Bibliographic citations
Izaguirre, S., Mendieta, B. (2024). Problemática sobre la Prescripción penal y Naturaleza del Delito de Omisión a la Asistencia Familiar [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Izaguirre, S., Mendieta, B. Problemática sobre la Prescripción penal y Naturaleza del Delito de Omisión a la Asistencia Familiar [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Problemática sobre la Prescripción penal y Naturaleza del Delito de Omisión a la Asistencia Familiar",
author = "Mendieta Nuñez, Brayan Antonik",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The present investigation studies the Prescription of Criminal Action and the nature of the crime of Omission of Family Assistance. The ruling of the Chamber is analyzed as to whether the nature exists for the purposes of determining when the start of the computation of the prescriptive period operates. In the first chapter, the background and previous instances will be developed, followed by a summary of the ruling, analyzing each basis of the resolution that is the subject of the investigation in order to contextualize the problem. Among them, the judicial motivation used to determine the Crime of Omission of Family Assistance stands out. Furthermore, it analyzes the effects of the direct accusation on the calculation of the limitation period. Subsequently, the dissenting vote on the sentence will be analyzed. In the second chapter, the conceptual bases on the permanent nature of the Crime of Omission of Family Assistance, Criminal Prescription Periods, Interruption of Criminal Prescription, Exception of Prescription and the Crime of Omission of Family Assistance will be developed. Likewise, we will analyze the change in the interpretative criterion in the jurisprudence of this Supreme Court regarding previous pronouncements and the conflicting rights from a constitutional perspective. Finally, the third chapter will deal with our Integrated Legal Analysis on the legal topics on which the Supreme Court has ruled in the ruling, to the extent that we generate original doctrine as part of our research and, consequently, our conclusions and a proposal solution that allows us to resolve the problems presented by our criminal procedural practice.
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