Bibliographic citations
Vasquez, F., Martinez, M. (2024). La aplicación del artículo 565-A del Código Procesal Civil como afectación de la tutela jurisdiccional [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vasquez, F., Martinez, M. La aplicación del artículo 565-A del Código Procesal Civil como afectación de la tutela jurisdiccional [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "La aplicación del artículo 565-A del Código Procesal Civil como afectación de la tutela jurisdiccional",
author = "Martinez Salazar, Monica Cristina",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The Political Constitution of Peru guarantees that fundamental rights such as effective judicial protection, procedural equality, right of defense and due process are not violated. In this sense, in this paper, we will address the problem within the amparo process that arises in relation to article 565-A of the Code of Civil Procedure as a special requirement of the claim for the reduction of alimony and whether or not this violates the constitutional rights of effective jurisdictional protection, procedural equality, right of defense and due process. In view of the above, we will analyze the votes and arguments of the judges and how this affects the solution to the problem of this case. Likewise, in order to provide a broader view of the case, sources such as articles, books as a doctrinal source and also, if possible, jurisprudential sources will be addressed. In view of the foregoing, it is concluded that justices Ledesma and Ferrero Costa coincide in their unfounded vote due to the negligent conduct of the defendant and Sardón de Taboada votes unfounded due to lack of prior compliance derived from the law. On the other hand, justices Miranda Canales, Blume Fortini and Ramos Nuñez agree that their vote is founded, since they consider that the factor of the economic situation of the defendant must be analyzed for access to justice. Contrary to the aforementioned, Espinoza-Saldaña votes against the motion, because the decision was clearly grounded in court and the violation of the defendant's rights has not been demonstrated.
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