Bibliographic citations
Barreda, E., Zuñiga, S. (2024). Propuesta para mejorar la liquidez y flujo de caja de la empresa Halion Internacional S.A. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Barreda, E., Zuñiga, S. Propuesta para mejorar la liquidez y flujo de caja de la empresa Halion Internacional S.A. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Propuesta para mejorar la liquidez y flujo de caja de la empresa Halion Internacional S.A.",
author = "Zuñiga Damian, Shallimar Kecihie",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The present work aims to help Halion Internacional S.A. (a company dedicated to the import and marketing of electronic goods) to improve liquidity and cash flow. The company belongs to the commercialization sector, which is estimated to grow by 2024, but does not obtain large profit margins. Also, as an importer should be cautious with liquidity considering the business cycle from import to sales. The main problem affecting Halion International is the lack of liquidity to meet its current financial obligations, since it does not have sufficient cash generation to meet structural debt payments (over one year). This work seeks to perform an exhaustive analysis based on the company's financial statements provided by the company between the years 2018 to 2023 in order to propose improvements regarding the company's liquidity and improve the company's cash flow. As a solution, a debt consolidation under the MYPERÚ impulse program is proposed as the best alternative, which will provide the company with the possibility of structuring the current debts at an adequate term, improving its payment capacity and ensuring the company's liquidity.
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