Bibliographic citations
Casanova-Regis, D., Aguirre, M. (2024). La comunicación interna y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en el área de Operaciones en una clínica privada en Lima Metropolitana 2024 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Casanova-Regis, D., Aguirre, M. La comunicación interna y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en el área de Operaciones en una clínica privada en Lima Metropolitana 2024 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "La comunicación interna y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en el área de Operaciones en una clínica privada en Lima Metropolitana 2024",
author = "Aguirre Rojas, Mariela Mirna",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This research corresponds to a private clinic in the health sector in the city of Lima. The problem described refers to internal communication and its relationship with organizational commitment in the Operations area within an unfavorable situation. The objective was to analyze and interpret this relationship with the purpose of making visible how human capital is affected in its productivity and therefore in achieving organizational objectives. This is a qualitative-exploratory research that contains in-depth interviews with six people involved in the problematic situation. It was obtained that, if an appropriate style and form of communication is used along with its transparency, the sense of belonging, commitment and motivation increases. On the other hand, the literature proposes Bustamante's six “I's” model to develop alternative solutions in this type of situations. Finally, in conclusion, two viable options are presented to improve internal communication and organizational commitment in this company. Firstly, promote assertive communication and sanction hostile communication and secondly, implement additional internal communication channels in order to ensure access to all collaborators.
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