Bibliographic citations
Palomino Olulo, Humpiri (2024). Asociacion entre pie plano y la maloclusion dental en niños que asisten al centro de Salud San Antonio de Ate - Vitarte en el año 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Palomino Olulo, Humpiri Asociacion entre pie plano y la maloclusion dental en niños que asisten al centro de Salud San Antonio de Ate - Vitarte en el año 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Asociacion entre pie plano y la maloclusion dental en niños que asisten al centro de Salud San Antonio de Ate - Vitarte en el año 2021",
author = "Humpiri Falconi Romario Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Objective: To evaluate the association between flat feet and dental malocclusion in children between 8 and 13 years of age attending the San Antonio de Ate - Vitarte Health Center in the year 2021. Materials and Methods: Observational study of the cross-sectional analytical type. There was a sample size of 150 children aged 8 to 13 years who attended the San Antonio Health Center located in Ate Vitarte in the year 2021. Two examinations were applied: one dental, to see if there is the presence of malocclusion or not, using the DAI (dental esthetic index). Also, to see if there is the presence of flat feet using the index proposed by Hernandez Corvos. Results: The sample evaluated consisted of 150 children aged 8 to 13 years, the majority of respondents were female, representing 50.7% (76). The mean age of the participants was 9.6 years (SD: 1.58). Regarding the plantar footprint, it was observed that 22.0% of the participants presented "flat feet", while 63.0% showed a footprint categorized as "normal". Likewise, 15.0% exhibited "pes cavus". Regarding the type of malocclusion, 55.3% of the individuals had a level of malocclusion categorized as "no anomalies or mild malocclusion. Likewise, 28. % exhibited "manifest malocclusion", while 12.7% showed "severe malocclusion". In addition, 4.0% of the participants had a "very severe or disabling malocclusion". Finally, no significant association was found between the level of malocclusion and flat feet (p>0.05). Likewise, no significant association was found between the level of malocclusion and age, weight, sex or origin of those evaluated (p> 0.05). Conclusion: No significant association was found between the level of malocclusion and flat feet. Likewise, no significant association was found between the level of malocclusion and the age, weight, sex or origin of those evaluated.
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