Bibliographic citations
Carrasco, V., Lena, P. (2024). La Motivación intrínseca en la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de empresas de ventas de seguros en Lima Metropolitana 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Carrasco, V., Lena, P. La Motivación intrínseca en la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de empresas de ventas de seguros en Lima Metropolitana 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "La Motivación intrínseca en la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de empresas de ventas de seguros en Lima Metropolitana 2023",
author = "Lena Malpartida, Patricia Vanessa",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The present work sought to determine the influence of intrinsic motivation on the job satisfaction of employees of insurance sales companies in Metropolitan Lima in the period 2023, in order to understand which are the motivators that positively or negatively influence performance of insurance sellers. For this work, a quantitative approach was used, with an explanatory scope under a non-experimental design, a questionnaire consisting of 40 items was applied online in Google Form to insurance sales collaborators, selecting a sample of 319 collaborators. Additionally, the dimensions of each variable were studied; self-determination, competence and relatedness being the dimensions of intrinsic motivation; which means that when the collaborator feels motivated, he will achieve the fulfillment of his goals For its part, the work environment, job promotion and salary are the dimensions of job satisfaction, which means that an adequate work environment influences employees to meet their objectives in the organization. The main hypothesis of this work is to determine if intrinsic motivation positively influences the job satisfaction of employees of insurance sales companies in Metropolitan Lima and it was concluded that it does influence.
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