Bibliographic citations
Guerrero, L., Cabrera, J., Cardeña, B. (2024). Factores que afectan el cumplimiento de plazos de ejecución de los proyectos de mejoramiento de viviendas rurales en el Cusco para el año 2022 [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Guerrero, L., Cabrera, J., Cardeña, B. Factores que afectan el cumplimiento de plazos de ejecución de los proyectos de mejoramiento de viviendas rurales en el Cusco para el año 2022 [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Factores que afectan el cumplimiento de plazos de ejecución de los proyectos de mejoramiento de viviendas rurales en el Cusco para el año 2022",
author = "Cardeña Mamani, Blanca Hugues",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The objective of the research was to know what are the factors that affect the fulfillment of execution deadlines of rural housing improvement projects in Cusco for the year 2022. The research was qualitative, phenomenological design, the sample was 3 members. . of the execution staff of the rural housing improvement projects in Cusco during the year 2022, the interview was applied as a technique and the interview guide instrument. The results obtained were compliance with execution deadlines crucially depends on four areas: Project Management, emphasizing the importance of well-trained personnel in coordination and supervision; Logistics and Acquisition Factors, where efficiency in resource management and anticipation of problems is key; the Climate and Geographic Impact, which requires detailed analysis and risk mitigation plans; and the Technical, Administrative and Financial Aspects, whose proper management is essential to avoid delays. Efficiency in the integration and management of these areas is essential to ensure the timely completion of these projects. It was concluded that the essential need for comprehensive project management, linking logistical and administrative aspects with human and organizational factors.
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