Bibliographic citations
Carpio, S., Barbaroux, N. (2024). Gestión de proceso de operaciones en el área de cocina de comedor en Huachipa de Sodexo en Lima – Perú en el 2023. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Carpio, S., Barbaroux, N. Gestión de proceso de operaciones en el área de cocina de comedor en Huachipa de Sodexo en Lima – Perú en el 2023. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Gestión de proceso de operaciones en el área de cocina de comedor en Huachipa de Sodexo en Lima – Perú en el 2023.",
author = "Barbaroux Terrazad, Narbby Paola",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work (TSP) is to carry out a diagnosis of the problematic situation in the change in organizational structure that was carried out during 2020 at Sodexo Perú S.A.C, which involved the change of professionals in administration with the incorporation of the Chefs. Senior to assume the position of Contract Administrator (ADC), and thus be in charge of administrative management on the management and control of inventories and raw materials in the assigned dining rooms, one of the reasons was the level of experience in gastronomy with which they have and also be in charge at the administrative level, with the slogan that this change would bring better results in warehouse management which represents 60% of operating expenses. It was detected in the Sodexo canteens with greater complexity in operational processes and customer management, these were prone to greater user dissatisfaction; Therefore, administrative staff had to be supported to provide support in the management areas. Likewise, in this TSP contributions were analyzed for improvements in the recruitment process for key positions such as the position of Senior Chef, taking into account the evaluation of profiles suitable for the position in Sodexo canteens that present problems in their operational processes, and, in this way, improve the level of customer satisfaction.
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