Bibliographic citations
Mesia, J., (2023). Diseño de un Manual de Organización y Funciones para mejorar la Gestión Administrativa de la Empresa Concorsa S.A.C. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Mesia, J., Diseño de un Manual de Organización y Funciones para mejorar la Gestión Administrativa de la Empresa Concorsa S.A.C. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Diseño de un Manual de Organización y Funciones para mejorar la Gestión Administrativa de la Empresa Concorsa S.A.C.",
author = "Mesia Vásquez, Jackeline Adilia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Concorsa; S.A.C. is a company with a solid track record in the wholesale marketing of fuels and the retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco. Over the years, the organization has faced challenges related to the lack of a Manual of Organization and Functions (MOF), which has led to a lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities, and, as a result, problems in efficiency operational, coordination and competitiveness. The lack of a MOF has generated problems such as duplication of functions, lack of clarity in responsibilities and a poorly defined organizational structure. This has negatively impacted operational efficiency and the ability to adapt to changes in the market. Concorsa; S.A.C. has set key objectives, including operational efficiency, product portfolio diversification and geographic expansion. These objectives are crucial for your growth and competitiveness in the industry. Given the problem, the "Implementation of Management Systems and Clear Procedures" has been proposed as the most appropriate solution. This alternative focuses on creating a solid and well-defined organizational structure, improving efficiency and operational coordination. In addition, it aligns with the organization's objectives and its ability to adapt to changes. The choice of this alternative is based on its direct focus on the organizational structure, its ability to improve efficiency and its adaptability to future changes. Additionally, this option aligns with the organization's key objectives, such as operational efficiency and competitiveness. The implementation of clear management systems and procedures is expected to improve role clarity, reduce duplication of functions, and encourage efficiency and coordination. This will directly contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Concorsa, S.A.C.
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