Bibliographic citations
Cateriano, G., Calmet, C., Sanchez, C. (2023). Plan de Negocio para el lanzamiento y comercialización de chorizos artesanales libres de octógonos, en Lima Metropolitana [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cateriano, G., Calmet, C., Sanchez, C. Plan de Negocio para el lanzamiento y comercialización de chorizos artesanales libres de octógonos, en Lima Metropolitana [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Plan de Negocio para el lanzamiento y comercialización de chorizos artesanales libres de octógonos, en Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Sanchez Alegria, Claudia Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Recently, an increase in the consumption of healthy products has been evidenced because of the change of eating habits of peruvians during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the implementation of the Low-Content Label Law (known in Spanish “Ley de Octógonos”). Due to this, companies in the food sector in Perú, have been developing new products and/or modifying their formulas to meet this new demand. Under this context, the consumption of sausages was analyzed, where an opportunity to develop a business plan was reflected. Through market research, precise information was collected to design a business strategy focus on the launch and commercialization of “Low-Content Label” Artisanal Sausages (“Chorizos”) in specific districts of Metropolitan Lima. To ensure the success and viability of the proposal, the products will have distinguishing attributes in the market, as they are made with a 100% pork loin meat and 0% additives. Furthermore, they will comply with the standards established by the law, which will be corroborated by a certified laboratory. The total investment in the project is estimated to be S/131,495, with a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/222,280 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 46.7%, results that belong to the economic and financial evaluations. These amounts indicate the profitability and, therefore, the viability of the project. It is worth noting that this is a self-funded investment without external financing.
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