Bibliographic citations
Arango, E., Lopez, M. (2023). Elaboración de una matriz de gerenciamiento para la gestión de riesgos que impactan en cumplimiento de plazo de la construcción de subestaciones eléctricas, en Perú [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Arango, E., Lopez, M. Elaboración de una matriz de gerenciamiento para la gestión de riesgos que impactan en cumplimiento de plazo de la construcción de subestaciones eléctricas, en Perú [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Elaboración de una matriz de gerenciamiento para la gestión de riesgos que impactan en cumplimiento de plazo de la construcción de subestaciones eléctricas, en Perú",
author = "Lopez Bovadilla, Melina Daysi",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This research constitutes a contribution to civil engineering through the optimization of the management of construction projects for electrical substations in Peru, specifically in the administration of risks that impact in the deadline of the projects. Initially, the current problem of electric power transmission projects in Peru was analyzed, among which is the construction of substations and transmission lines, making an analysis of the risks that impacted on projects already completed. Likewise, it was identified which were the deviations of term occurred in the history of construction projects of transmission projects in the country, reaching the conclusion that said works have an average deviation of six months out of term. Likewise, it was established that in the course of ten years at least, only 9.4% of the total projects of this type, built in Peru, reached completion in the initial contractual terms. Likewise, a matrix was created to manage the risks identified as critical for meeting the estimated deadline in the planning stage, dividing them into the stages before, during and after construction. Said matrix was applied in the Expansion 18 Project, achieving the expected objective of fulfilling the 25-month contractual term for its construction.
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