Bibliographic citations
Bayona, M., Condor, A. (2023). Planes para incrementar facturación de la empresa Best Technology en 30%, de 185k a 234k para el año 2024 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Bayona, M., Condor, A. Planes para incrementar facturación de la empresa Best Technology en 30%, de 185k a 234k para el año 2024 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Planes para incrementar facturación de la empresa Best Technology en 30%, de 185k a 234k para el año 2024",
author = "Condor Mescua, Alexander Junior",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This case study aims to provide the company Best Technology SAC with a solution to the current problem, which is the limited number of customers they currently have, so that they can increase their turnover and continue to grow sustainably. Best Technology SAC is a B2B company that offers technological products and services adapted to any type of small, medium and some large companies. The methodology used is the intrinsic case study and we use Sampieri and Mendoza as the main author. For this case study, primary sources were used by the general manager where an internal and external analysis of the company Best Technology SAC and secondary sources of multiple studies related to the subject were made. The reason for this study is to take into account the creation of a profile guide, to generate a commercial area where you can have direct contact with prospective companies and current customers, in order to increase annual turnover and generate a higher average ticket, loyalty and improve service for existing customers. Finally, this case will be delivered as a report for the company as well as the generation plan of the commercial area and the budget in soles that this implementation will bring to achieve the main objective, which is a 30% increase in annual turnover. Additionally, this proposal as well as the objectives of both the area and the study may vary and be adjusted in the process of implementation and operation.
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