Bibliographic citations
Pacheco, M., Tenorio, C., Valdivia, M., Gutierrez, L. (2023). Plan de Marketing para mejorar la participación en el Sector Minero del Centro de Servicios Empresariales (Cendes) de la Universidad Católica San Pablo de Arequipa [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Pacheco, M., Tenorio, C., Valdivia, M., Gutierrez, L. Plan de Marketing para mejorar la participación en el Sector Minero del Centro de Servicios Empresariales (Cendes) de la Universidad Católica San Pablo de Arequipa [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Plan de Marketing para mejorar la participación en el Sector Minero del Centro de Servicios Empresariales (Cendes) de la Universidad Católica San Pablo de Arequipa",
author = "Gutierrez Martinez, Luis Gerardo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This research work focuses on the activities of the Business Services Center, Cendes, at the Universidad Católica San Pablo. The center's mission is to transfer knowledge to companies and institutions in the southern region of the country through three lines of services, customized training, research projects, and business consulting. The main research objective is to propose a marketing plan that allows Cendes to improve its participation in the large-scale mining sector, which represents the main share of the center's service revenue. The proposed research is qualitative in nature and employs two data collection instruments, interviews with experts conducted with professionals from well-established university service centers abroad, and in-depth interviews with decision-making executives from the main mining units in the southern region of Peru. By processing the collected information resulting from the research, along with historical data from Cendes and publicly accessible economic indicators of large-scale mining, a marketing plan has been developed. This plan focuses on specific actions related to distribution and promotion for the large-scale mining portfolio. It demonstrates a positive return on investment for three projection scenarios: pessimistic, moderate, and optimistic. The goal is to achieve a 70% share of wallet of the main mining account currently worked on by Cendes and an average participation of 34% in the second large-scale mining account recommended for expansion.
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