Bibliographic citations
Ubillus, M., Espinoza, F. (2023). Análisis de las consecuencias de la disposición de bienes sociales por un solo cónyuge [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ubillus, M., Espinoza, F. Análisis de las consecuencias de la disposición de bienes sociales por un solo cónyuge [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Análisis de las consecuencias de la disposición de bienes sociales por un solo cónyuge",
author = "Espinoza Cardenas, Fiorella Alicia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
The purpose of this paper is to review Cassation Nº 3006-2015-JUNÍN in which the nullity of the public deed of sale between Rocío Zevallos and Martha Matos is questioned; due to the fact that the legal acts, objects of nullity, suffer from absolute simulation and an unlawful purpose, since, as a result of the evaluation carried out by the judges of the Court, it was concluded that they were celebrated with the sole purpose of dispossessing her of her inheritance. On this basis, the legal consequence of the act of disposition of an asset of the community of property in which one of the spouses is not involved is questioned. As well as the systematic interpretation of Article 315 of the Civil Code as a case of structural ineffectiveness or invalidity, and the situation of the third party acquirer with regard to the act of disposal carried out by only one spouse. It should be specified that, in accordance with what is stated in the aforementioned cassation, it is established that, despite the fact that the claim has been raised in terms of nullity, such acts of disposition constitute issues of ineffectiveness due to lack of legitimacy. Therefore, in view of the established rules, which are of a mandatory nature, the process must be redirected to the corresponding stage in order to clearly establish the points at issue and to promote the contradictory nature of the case. Considering the above, the present report seeks, mainly, to analyse the grounds set out by the Supreme Court regarding the declaration of nullity of the contract of sale and which would be considered as rules of mandatory observance.
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