Bibliographic citations
Perez, C., Valencia, W. (2023). Propuesta de un procedimiento de selección de proveedores de materiales empleando la herramienta choosing by advantages en partidas del proyecto público Recuperación del Hospital San Juan de Matucana II [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Perez, C., Valencia, W. Propuesta de un procedimiento de selección de proveedores de materiales empleando la herramienta choosing by advantages en partidas del proyecto público Recuperación del Hospital San Juan de Matucana II [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de un procedimiento de selección de proveedores de materiales empleando la herramienta choosing by advantages en partidas del proyecto público Recuperación del Hospital San Juan de Matucana II",
author = "Valencia Castañeda , Wendy Rose",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
In the construction sector, the selection of suppliers is an important process for the sustainability of the project execution, because if a good selection control is not carried out, the project may be affected in its progress. In this opportunity, the research is focused on the stage of the selection of material suppliers, for which the implementation of the innovative tool Choosing by Advantages (CBA), which belongs to the Lean Construction Philosophy, is carried out. According to the results of previous research, it is evident the great positive contribution in the solution of the problems. This tool is a selection method that helps project teams to make better multi-criteria decisions in the selection of suppliers. To carry out the CBA analysis, multicriteria comparisons were made between two or more suppliers of materials for the different items of the project "Recuperación del hospital San Juan de Matucana II ". Subsequently, a multi-criteria selection procedure was developed using the CBA focused on the items of the hospital project. On the other hand, a comparative analysis was carried out in which the positive results through the implementation of the CBA are evidenced. Finally, to check the feasibility of the procedure, a satisfaction level survey was conducted among the main project stakeholders.
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