Bibliographic citations
Gamarra, L., Chavarry, R. (2023). El amparo arbitral y la tutela de terceros: Limitaciones regulatorias y prácticas en el Perú [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gamarra, L., Chavarry, R. El amparo arbitral y la tutela de terceros: Limitaciones regulatorias y prácticas en el Perú [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "El amparo arbitral y la tutela de terceros: Limitaciones regulatorias y prácticas en el Perú",
author = "Chavarry Salas, Rosario Liliana",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
In this work, the judgment of the Constitutional Court is analyzed regarding the various effects of arbitration protection on third parties unrelated to the arbitration process and non-signatory parties because no one can be subjected to procedures different from the jurisdiction previously established. In this, the accuracy of the article that regulates the figure of extension to non-signatory parties is questioned, regarding the need to specify that third parties unrelated to the arbitration proceedings should not be included in the arbitration process, without implying a risk to the legal order or legal certainty. Furthermore, the work proposes two significant modifications. First, it suggests expanding the scope of the availability of arbitration protection to include the violation of constitutional rights of third parties. Second, it proposes introducing the concept of arbitration execution agreements to provide clarity and security to third parties unrelated to arbitration in case they are required in the enforcement phase of arbitrations. This analysis aims to contribute to the understanding and improvement of arbitration jurisprudence and regulation within the Peruvian legal framework, promoting a coherent legal system.
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