Bibliographic citations
Elgegren, J., Llancari, A. (2023). Análisis del Expediente 03150-2017-PA/TC y el control del retiro arbitrario del Registro Nacional de Proveedores [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Elgegren, J., Llancari, A. Análisis del Expediente 03150-2017-PA/TC y el control del retiro arbitrario del Registro Nacional de Proveedores [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Análisis del Expediente 03150-2017-PA/TC y el control del retiro arbitrario del Registro Nacional de Proveedores",
author = "Llancari Gonzalez, Angela Valeria",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This paper analyzes the Plenary-Sentence of Case No. 03150-2017-PA/TC, proper to the subject of Public Law, in the specialties of Constitutional and Administrative Law, which regulate the exercise of public power and its harmonization with the rights and interests of individuals. In this sense, the issue of the arbitrary withdrawal from the National Registry of Suppliers, by the OSCE, of a supplier that was previously registered in said registry, in accordance with the law, is developed. However, in search of effective jurisdictional protection, he resorted to the amparo process to request the restitution of his fundamental rights, affected by the administrative measure. For the purposes of the analysis, methodologically, the following sources of law were used: firstly, normative sources; at the international, constitutional, legal and infra-legal level, taking into account the differences between the previous and current regime. Likewise, important national and international doctrinal sources specialized in the subject matter were also used. Finally, to a lesser extent, jurisprudence, both at international and national level, in order to know the standard of compliance with the protection of rights. It is concluded that this case is of high legal relevance, due to its interdisciplinarity, national and international scope; and, in turn, diversity of procedural and material rules. This motivates us to reflect on the impact of administrative actions on the rights and interests of those administered; the appropriate procedural means for its protection and guarantee; and, how the control of the administrative function operates when it becomes arbitrary.
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