Bibliographic citations
Alvitres, J., Bermudez, K. (2023). Impacto de la normatividad durante la crisis sanitaria del 2020 en la ejecución de obras mediante la modalidad de Núcleo Ejecutor para Reconstrucción del Programa Nacional de Saneamiento Urbano [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Alvitres, J., Bermudez, K. Impacto de la normatividad durante la crisis sanitaria del 2020 en la ejecución de obras mediante la modalidad de Núcleo Ejecutor para Reconstrucción del Programa Nacional de Saneamiento Urbano [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Impacto de la normatividad durante la crisis sanitaria del 2020 en la ejecución de obras mediante la modalidad de Núcleo Ejecutor para Reconstrucción del Programa Nacional de Saneamiento Urbano",
author = "Bermudez Estela, Karen Lesly",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
During the 2020 health crisis caused by COVID-19, the execution of works through Core Executors for Reconstruction (NER) of the National Urban Sanitation Program (PNSU) was adversely affected. The objective of this research is to identify improvement proposals for the current regulatory procedures in a way that does not again impact the population negatively. The methodological contribution employs a quantitative approach, with an analytical method, as it aims to identify the root causes of the problem. The results demonstrate that the proposed solution aligns with the program's objectives, which aim to expand the coverage of sanitation services in their intervention areas while promoting tools and regulations that ensure the well-being of rural residents. In this regard, the suspension of projects raised significant concerns within the Rural Sanitation Coordination, which made every effort to find a solution as quickly as possible and reactivate the work execution. It is concluded that with the financial resources required by the Rural Sanitation Coordination for the implementation of the COVID-19 Plan, the NER activities could be resumed, leading to the completion of 82% of the projects that were suspended in 2020, benefiting 61,609 residents. The remaining 18% is currently in progress and is expected to be completed by the end of the year 2023.
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