Bibliographic citations
Rosales, J., Florentino, L. (2023). Sistema web de gestión de solicitudes y trámites online en la nube para instituciones de educación superior [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Rosales, J., Florentino, L. Sistema web de gestión de solicitudes y trámites online en la nube para instituciones de educación superior [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Sistema web de gestión de solicitudes y trámites online en la nube para instituciones de educación superior",
author = "Florentino Medrano, Luis Frank",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Nowadays, organizations, both in the business world and higher education institutions, need to be competitive. Therefore, it is essential to adapt to the latest available technologies, seeking to minimize costs and times in the development and implementation of information systems, as well as improve information security. For this reason, the benefits that the use of modern architectures and the use of the cloud can provide in the development of information systems projects are observed with great interest. That is why a modern web system was implemented at the higher education institution under study using the so-called clean architecture and the Azure cloud. This system covers the request management process. By adopting this architecture, it gives us benefits such as: scalability, maintainability, cost reduction and ease of testing. In addition, the cloud was used to reduce costs, by eliminating the need for investment in the purchase and maintenance of hardware, offices and data centers. Likewise, it gave us great flexibility by paying only for the services used, improving the speed and processing of information. As a result, the institution was able to address the problems it faced in managing applications and procedures. Service times were reduced and the quality of the process and service was improved. This made it possible to successfully satisfy the growing user demand currently being handled, especially during the registration period and semester closures.
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