Bibliographic citations
Velasquez, D., Alvarado, C. (2023). ¿Compensación o Embargo? La legalidad de los cargos bancarios en las cuentas de sus ahorristas [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Velasquez, D., Alvarado, C. ¿Compensación o Embargo? La legalidad de los cargos bancarios en las cuentas de sus ahorristas [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "¿Compensación o Embargo? La legalidad de los cargos bancarios en las cuentas de sus ahorristas",
author = "Alvarado Kohel, Carlos Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
The present work analyzes the criteria used by the Supreme Court in Cassation No. 11823-2015, in which Scotiabank is declared in violation of articles 648 of the Civil Procedure Code and 1290 of the Civil Code for having carried out the offsetting of the remuneration deposited in a user's savings account. Among its arguments, the Supreme Court pointed out that savings accounts where users receive their salaries are non-seizable according to what is established by Article 648 of the Civil Procedure Code. Likewise, Article 1290 of the Civil Code prohibits the offsetting of non-seizable credit, the latter being understood by the Supreme Court as the refusal to carry out offsets on users' salaries. In this work, we will analyze the articles upon which the Supreme Court based its decision, using information gathered from various books, legal journals, case law, and more. Furthermore, it will be concluded that the articles mentioned by the Supreme Court should not have been applied to the case, given that they only prohibit the seizure of remunerations, but not their offset. Therefore, in the absence of a legal provision that expressly establishes the prohibition of offsets in users' remunerations, it is appropriate to conduct a specific analysis of this issue, taking into account the nature of offset and the consequences that the prohibition of it could entail.
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