Bibliographic citations
Congora, C., La, G. (2023). Propuesta de optimización del planeamiento de inventarios en la importación de insumos en una empresa de productos cárnicos [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Congora, C., La, G. Propuesta de optimización del planeamiento de inventarios en la importación de insumos en una empresa de productos cárnicos [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de optimización del planeamiento de inventarios en la importación de insumos en una empresa de productos cárnicos",
author = "La Serna Caballero, Giovanni Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
In the meat products industry, effective inventory management plays a crucial role in the operational success and profitability of companies. The importance of optimal inventory management cannot be underestimated, as it directly affects the continuity of production, the prevention of disruptions and the reduction of costs associated with warehousing. Therefore, the objective of the TSP is to present a proposal for the optimization of inventory planning in the import of inputs of Sigma Alimentos, a company dedicated to meat products. For this purpose, all relevant aspects of the organization were considered, including functional areas, internal and external factors, objectives and relevant data. In the TSP process, the qualitative research methodology was used, and three alternatives were identified to address the problematic situation. The first alternative included the diversification of suppliers and the implementation of a material's homologation plan. The second alternative considered the creation of a collaborative input exchange system between companies in the same sector. The third alternative proposed a collaborative inventory management model with suppliers. A comparative analysis of these alternatives was carried out with the help of interviews with Sigma Alimentos experts. As a result, it was concluded that the first alternative, which encompasses the diversification of suppliers and the material homologation plan, is the most viable. Finally, the implications of this decision on the organization and how it can optimize inventory planning in the import of inputs for Sigma Alimentos are discussed.
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