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Reeves, D., Balbin, K. (2023). Propuesta de plan de marketing digital para el gimnasio ¨Mix Gym¨ [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Reeves, D., Balbin, K. Propuesta de plan de marketing digital para el gimnasio ¨Mix Gym¨ [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de plan de marketing digital para el gimnasio ¨Mix Gym¨",
author = "Balbin Flores, Karen Liliana",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Propuesta de plan de marketing digital para el gimnasio ¨Mix Gym¨
Other Titles: Digital marketing plan proposal for the gym: “Mix Gym”
Advisor(s): Rojas Chávez, Lorenzo
Keywords: Plan de marketing digital; Industria fitness; Tecnología; Redes sociales; Funnel de conversión; Digital marketing plan; Fitness industry; Technology; Social networks; Conversion funnel
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 23-Nov-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente trabajo se enfoca en la elaboración de un plan de marketing digital para el gimnasio Mix Gym ubicada en Huaraz. Establece estrategias y planes específicos por cada etapa del funnel de conversión con el objetivo de aumentar las ventas y retener a los clientes.
Actualmente, su presencia digital es nula, se centra únicamente en Facebook pero no publican contenido diario ni interactúan con su público objetivo. Así pues, para aumentar el alcance, se crea un perfil en Instagram, Tik Tok y un sitio web que ofrezca un espacio personalizado.
Para llevar a cabo el plan, se ha realizado un análisis de la situación de la empresa, los factores externos, internos y la competencia no solo a nivel físico, si no también online. También, se ha propuesto instrumentos de medición y un plan de contingencia en caso la empresa presente una crisis que afecte su reputación online.
This work focuses on the development of a digital marketing plan for Mix Gym located in Huaraz. Establish specific strategies and plans for each stage of the conversion funnel with the objective of increase sales and retaining customers. Currently, their digital presence is zero, they only focus on Facebook, but do not publish daily content or interact with their target audience. Therefore, to increase reach, will create a profile on Instagram, Tik Tok and a website that offers a personalized space. To carry out the plan, the next chapters present an analysis of the company's situation, external and internal factors and the competitors not only on a physical level, but also online. Also, measurement instruments and a contingency plan have been proposed in case the company presents a crisis that affects its online reputation.
This work focuses on the development of a digital marketing plan for Mix Gym located in Huaraz. Establish specific strategies and plans for each stage of the conversion funnel with the objective of increase sales and retaining customers. Currently, their digital presence is zero, they only focus on Facebook, but do not publish daily content or interact with their target audience. Therefore, to increase reach, will create a profile on Instagram, Tik Tok and a website that offers a personalized space. To carry out the plan, the next chapters present an analysis of the company's situation, external and internal factors and the competitors not only on a physical level, but also online. Also, measurement instruments and a contingency plan have been proposed in case the company presents a crisis that affects its online reputation.
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Discipline: Comunicación y Marketing
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Comunicaciones
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación y Marketing
Juror: Rojas Suarez, Cristhian Moises; Acevedo Isasi, Manuel Adolfo
Register date: 20-Dec-2023
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License