Bibliographic citations
Gabulle, G., Chávez, G. (2023). Aplicación de eximentes y atenuantes en el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Ley N° 30057 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gabulle, G., Chávez, G. Aplicación de eximentes y atenuantes en el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Ley N° 30057 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Aplicación de eximentes y atenuantes en el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Ley N° 30057",
author = "Chávez Castillo, Geraldine Yhanira",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This work on professional sufficiency is developed based on the administrative precedent contained in Plenary Chamber Resolution No. 002-2021-SERVIR/TSC, issued by the Civil Service Court, which establishes criteria for the application of defenses and mitigating circumstances in the administrative disciplinary procedure within the framework of Law No. 30057, Civil Service Law. The selected research topic is the criteria established for the proper application of the defense regulated in literal f) of article 104 of the Regulation of Law No. 30057, Civil Service Law, which includes the elements for its configuration previously developed in the case. contained in Resolution No. 002188-2019-SERVIR/TSC-First Chamber. For the development of our work we have consulted, among other sources, Law No. 30057, Civil Service Law, its Regulations, Directive No. 02-2015-SERVIR/GPGSC “Disciplinary Regime and Sanctioning Procedure of Law No. 30057, Law of the Civil Service” and with the authors Juan Pablo Flores Najarro, Junior Pichón De La Cruz, Emma Barrios Ipenza, among others. We have selected this research topic because we find the current disciplinary regime applicable to public servants interesting, since the implementation of the Civil Service Law meant a substantial change in the disciplinary sanctioning power of the State; and, therefore, to date, controversies generated in the disciplinary procedures that the Civil Service Court resolves through its Plenary Agreements coexist; In this case, criteria were established that, if verified, will prevent the imposition of the sanction or establish the application of a less burdensome sanction.
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