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Rivera, B., (2023). N° 148-2017/CC2 y N° 209-2018-0-0401-JP-CI-02 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Rivera, B., N° 148-2017/CC2 y N° 209-2018-0-0401-JP-CI-02 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "N° 148-2017/CC2 y N° 209-2018-0-0401-JP-CI-02",
author = "Rivera Terroba, Brayan Guillermo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: N° 148-2017/CC2 y N° 209-2018-0-0401-JP-CI-02
Authors(s): Rivera Terroba, Brayan Guillermo
Advisor(s): Iannacone De la Flor, Marco Luigi
Keywords: Idoneidad; Métodos comerciales agresivos y engañosos; Cláusulas abusivas; Consumidor; Proveedor; Idoneidad; Economía social de mercado; Contrato de consumo; Suitability; Aggressive and deceptive trading methods; Unfair terms; Consumer; Supplier; Suitability; Social market economy; Consumer contract
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 11-Oct-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El expediente N° 148-2017/CPC versa sobre un procedimiento administrativo sancionador, respecto a la materia de protección al consumidor.
El tema principal que originó el citado procedimiento era determinar si al amparo de la normativa nacional de protección al consumidor podría calificarse como legal la conducta efectuada por un proveedor de prohibir y denegar el ingreso de productos alimenticios a sus establecimientos que hayan sido adquiridos en tiendas o establecimientos ajenos.
A lo largo del expediente, se analizan temas de relevancia jurídica en materia de consumidor, como lo son la idoneidad en el servicio brindado, los métodos comerciales agresivos y engañosos y las cláusulas abusivas.
Finalmente, se efectúa un alcance amplio respecto a los conceptos de Consumidor, Proveedor, Idoneidad, Economía Social de Mercado, Contrato de Consumo y Cláusulas Abusivas.
File No. 148-2017/CPC deals with an administrative sanctioning procedure, regarding the matter of consumer protection. The main issue that gave rise to the procedure was to determine whether, under the protection of national consumer protection regulations, the conduct carried out by a supplier of prohibiting and denying the entry of food products into its establishments that had been acquired in stores or foreign establishments. Throughout the file, issues of legal relevance in consumer matters are analyzed, such as the suitability of the service provided, aggressive and deceptive commercial methods and abusive clauses. Finally, a broad scope is made regarding the concepts of Consumer, Supplier, Suitability, Social Market Economy, Consumer Contract and Abusive Clauses.
File No. 148-2017/CPC deals with an administrative sanctioning procedure, regarding the matter of consumer protection. The main issue that gave rise to the procedure was to determine whether, under the protection of national consumer protection regulations, the conduct carried out by a supplier of prohibiting and denying the entry of food products into its establishments that had been acquired in stores or foreign establishments. Throughout the file, issues of legal relevance in consumer matters are analyzed, such as the suitability of the service provided, aggressive and deceptive commercial methods and abusive clauses. Finally, a broad scope is made regarding the concepts of Consumer, Supplier, Suitability, Social Market Economy, Consumer Contract and Abusive Clauses.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Huanco Piscoche, Henry Wilder; Echaiz Moreno, Sandra Violeta; Lapeyre Zegarra, Javier Francisco
Register date: 15-Dec-2023
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