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Neyra, C., Roman, D. (2023). Gestión verde de los recursos humanos en el rubro hotelero [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Neyra, C., Roman, D. Gestión verde de los recursos humanos en el rubro hotelero [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Gestión verde de los recursos humanos en el rubro hotelero",
author = "Roman Flores, Dayanna Giovanna",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Gestión verde de los recursos humanos en el rubro hotelero
Other Titles: Green Human Resource Management in the hotel industry
Advisor(s): Carrillo Barrera, Brendali
Keywords: Gestión verde de recursos humanos; Sector hotelero; Gestión ambiental; Prácticas verdes; Comportamiento ecológico; Green management of human resources; Hotel sector; Environmental management; Green practices; Ecological behavior
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 28-Jul-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El rubro hotelero es una industria de servicios que principalmente ofrece alojamiento y alimentos. Al realizar estos servicios producen consumo excesivo de agua, energía y desechos, generando un impacto negativo al medio ambiente. Por este motivo, los hoteles realizan prácticas como reducción de desechos, conservación del agua y energía para reducir su impacto negativo en el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, para que la empresa logre sus objetivos ambientales deben comprometer a sus colaboradores a contribuir a la gestión ambiental. Es así como surge la gestión verde de los recursos humanos, también conocida como Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), un término que se utiliza al incorporar la gestión ambiental en el área de recursos humanos. El objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar la gestión verde de recursos humanos en el sector hotelero. Se desarrolló usando la metodología de revisión de literatura con enfoque integrador, recopilando información de fuentes académicas como libros, tesis y principalmente artículos científicos. Se identificó la manera en cómo las empresas hoteleras pueden promover una mejor conciencia ambiental entre sus empleados e implementar prácticas sostenibles en los procesos de contratación.
The hotel sector is a service industry that mainly offers lodging and food. When carrying out these services, they produce excessive consumption of water, energy, and waste, generating a negative impact on the environment. For this reason, hotels engage in practices such as waste reduction, water and energy conservation, to reduce their negative impact on the environment. However, for the company to achieve its environmental objectives, it must commit its collaborators in the environmental management. This is how the green management of human resources, also known as Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), a term that is used when incorporating environmental management in the area of human resources, arises. The general objective of this research was to analyze the green management of human resources in the hotel sector. It was developed using the literature review methodology with an integrative approach, collecting information from academic sources such as books, theses, and mainly scientific articles. Findings show mechanisms that hotel companies may apply to promote a higher environmental awareness among their employees and implement sustainable practices in the hiring process.
The hotel sector is a service industry that mainly offers lodging and food. When carrying out these services, they produce excessive consumption of water, energy, and waste, generating a negative impact on the environment. For this reason, hotels engage in practices such as waste reduction, water and energy conservation, to reduce their negative impact on the environment. However, for the company to achieve its environmental objectives, it must commit its collaborators in the environmental management. This is how the green management of human resources, also known as Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), a term that is used when incorporating environmental management in the area of human resources, arises. The general objective of this research was to analyze the green management of human resources in the hotel sector. It was developed using the literature review methodology with an integrative approach, collecting information from academic sources such as books, theses, and mainly scientific articles. Findings show mechanisms that hotel companies may apply to promote a higher environmental awareness among their employees and implement sustainable practices in the hiring process.
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Discipline: Hotelería y Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Administración en Hotelería y Turismo
Grade or title: Bachiller en Hoteleria y Administración
Register date: 3-Nov-2023
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