Bibliographic citations
Peralta, F., Ccachainca, P., Laime, M. (2023). Propuesta de sistema de medición de desempeño aplicando la metodología del valor ganado en la empresa “Constructora Maukasa” durante la etapa de construcción del proyecto “Construcción de Infraestructura Educativa” [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Peralta, F., Ccachainca, P., Laime, M. Propuesta de sistema de medición de desempeño aplicando la metodología del valor ganado en la empresa “Constructora Maukasa” durante la etapa de construcción del proyecto “Construcción de Infraestructura Educativa” [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de sistema de medición de desempeño aplicando la metodología del valor ganado en la empresa “Constructora Maukasa” durante la etapa de construcción del proyecto “Construcción de Infraestructura Educativa”",
author = "Laime Machicao, Milagros Olga",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Construction companies are currently submerged in a highly competitive market, and in order to maintain the projected profitability of the projects they must have a measurement system that allows, when applied correctly and in an orderly manner, to keep track of costs, thereby improving form the competitiveness, profitability and stay in the market of the construction industry. With the aforementioned premise, in the present research work, a proposal for a performance measurement system is developed by applying the earned value methodology, applied to a company in the construction sector oriented to a building project, presenting its application in the case study "Construction of Educational Infrastructure", demonstrating that by using the system proposed during the execution of the case study, it was possible to obtain access to relevant information on costs and schedule, in order to carry out the evaluation and, if necessary, take preventive actions and correction in the different activities of the project. First, the diagnosis of the current situation of the company was carried out, to later detail the methodology to be followed for the integration of the performance measurement system through the application of the earned value methodology, and propose templates that simplify the monitoring and control of activities by classifying them according to their priority and impact on the cost and schedule of the project. Finally, it is expected that this model will be replicated and become part of the organization's know-how for its implementation in other projects. The proposal of the performance measurement system does not require a structural modification at the organizational level within the company, what it requires is a diffusion with the personnel involved for decision making.
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