Bibliographic citations
Erazo, (2023). Portafolio sobre la experiencia clínica durante el internado médico en el periodo junio 2022 a marzo 2023 en el Centro de Salud Santiago de Surco y el Hospital María Auxiliadora [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Erazo, Portafolio sobre la experiencia clínica durante el internado médico en el periodo junio 2022 a marzo 2023 en el Centro de Salud Santiago de Surco y el Hospital María Auxiliadora [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Portafolio sobre la experiencia clínica durante el internado médico en el periodo junio 2022 a marzo 2023 en el Centro de Salud Santiago de Surco y el Hospital María Auxiliadora",
author = "Erazo Rondinel Sharon Evelyn",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Introduction: Medical internship is the stage where students have active participation in healthcare facilities. This internship allows them to integrate valuable knowledge, skills, and tools for their professional life. Objective: To share, through the description and analysis of clinical cases, the experience of the medical internship to show the competencies used and/or acquired at a professional and personal level. Methods: Descriptive-analytical design of selected clinical cases during medical internship at Santiago de Surco Health Center and María Auxiliadora Hospital, period June 2022 to March 2023. Results: Thirty clinical cases are reported, of which 9 are from the general medicine rotation, 8 from pediatrics, 8 from gynecology-obstetrics, and 5 from general surgery. In each scenario, the care provided to the patient is described around a health problem through the narration of the illness, history, diagnosis, treatment, and reflection. In this last section, the knowledge and qualities used, the acquired learning, the adherence to the professional code of ethics, and the identification of barriers in the healthcare system are analyzed. Conclusions: This work shares part of the experience of the 2022 medical internship, where the cohesion of what has been learned during academic training with new tools acquired during rotations is evident. The aim is to ensure that future physicians have the necessary skills to practice medicine.
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