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Condor, G., Reyes, E. (2023). Representaciones sociales sobre la crianza en madres solteras de Lima Metropolitana [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Condor, G., Reyes, E. Representaciones sociales sobre la crianza en madres solteras de Lima Metropolitana [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Representaciones sociales sobre la crianza en madres solteras de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Reyes Lozano, Eileen Maribel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Representaciones sociales sobre la crianza en madres solteras de Lima Metropolitana
Other Titles: Social representations on parenting among single mothers in Metropolitan Lima
Authors(s): Condor Soto, Gianella Susan; Reyes Lozano, Eileen Maribel
Advisor(s): Malvaceda Espinoza, Eli Leonardo
Keywords: Representaciones sociales; Maternidad; Red de apoyo; Crianza; Social representations; Motherhood; Support network; Parenting
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 28-Apr-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer las representaciones sociales sobre la crianza en madres solteras de Lima Metropolitana. Se empleó un diseño de análisis temático y se elaboraron diez entrevistas semiestructuradas a madres solteras de entre 20 a 25 años. Con la finalidad de poder sondear las vivencias, se indagó en sus relaciones personales, familiares y sociales. Así mismo, algunas mujeres en el transcurso dentro de sus vivencias experimentan comentarios negativos en el proceso de su maternidad. Sin embargo, algunos hogares han tenido experiencias positivas donde cuentan con una red de apoyo básico que son sus familiares directos donde le genera un soporte. Por otro lado, las madres solteras al afrontar esta nueva etapa han suscitado diversas ideas tales como el aborto, el esconder el embarazo ante la sociedad y la incertidumbre ante el nuevo proceso y el tener que afrontar una crianza sola, donde genera un trabajo de doble esfuerzo con la finalidad de poder velar el bienestar de su hijo. Por último, en la interacción social entre la integración y el rechazo que ha percibido las madres solteras en el ámbito laboral se les ha dificultado el poder encontrar un trabajo estable o donde se vean en la obligación de poder generar ingresos de manera autónoma. En conclusión, las representaciones sociales de las madres participantes podrían resumirse como una maternidad atravesada por ciertas dificultades, donde tienen que afrontar solas el proceso de maternidad, generando que puedan renunciar a sus actividades y afrontar diversos sentimientos durante el proceso.
The purpose of this research is to know the social representations on parenting among single mothers in Metropolitan Lima. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with single mothers between 20 and 25 years of age, using a thematic analysis design. In order to probe their experiences, we inquired about their personal, family and social relationships. Also, some women in the discourse of their experiences expressed negative comments regarding the process of motherhood. However, some women have had positive experiences where they have a basic support network of immediate family members who provide them with support. On the other hand, when facing this new stage, single mothers have expressed different ideas such as abortion, hiding the pregnancy from society, uncertainty about the new process and having to face parenting alone, which generates a double effort in order to ensure the welfare of their child. Finally, concerning the social interaction between integration and rejection that single mothers have perceived in the work environment, it has been difficult for them to find a stable job or where they are obliged to be able to generate income in an independent way. In conclusion, the social representations of the participating mothers could be summarized as a maternity crossed by certain difficulties, where they have to face alone the process of motherhood, generating that they can give up their activities and face diverse feelings during the process.
The purpose of this research is to know the social representations on parenting among single mothers in Metropolitan Lima. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with single mothers between 20 and 25 years of age, using a thematic analysis design. In order to probe their experiences, we inquired about their personal, family and social relationships. Also, some women in the discourse of their experiences expressed negative comments regarding the process of motherhood. However, some women have had positive experiences where they have a basic support network of immediate family members who provide them with support. On the other hand, when facing this new stage, single mothers have expressed different ideas such as abortion, hiding the pregnancy from society, uncertainty about the new process and having to face parenting alone, which generates a double effort in order to ensure the welfare of their child. Finally, concerning the social interaction between integration and rejection that single mothers have perceived in the work environment, it has been difficult for them to find a stable job or where they are obliged to be able to generate income in an independent way. In conclusion, the social representations of the participating mothers could be summarized as a maternity crossed by certain difficulties, where they have to face alone the process of motherhood, generating that they can give up their activities and face diverse feelings during the process.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Psicología
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Alarcón Parco, Danitsa; Vidal Alvarado, Julissa; Ráez Saavedra, María Cecilia
Register date: 23-Jun-2023
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