Bibliographic citations
Reyna, A., Romero, C. (2022). Propuesta de mejora para aumentar la disponibilidad mecánica de las maquinarias de construcción, en una empresa constructora aplicando RCM y TPM [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Reyna, A., Romero, C. Propuesta de mejora para aumentar la disponibilidad mecánica de las maquinarias de construcción, en una empresa constructora aplicando RCM y TPM [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Propuesta de mejora para aumentar la disponibilidad mecánica de las maquinarias de construcción, en una empresa constructora aplicando RCM y TPM",
author = "Romero De la Cruz, Cristina Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
The study focuses on increasing the mechanical availability of construction machinery, applying RCM and TPM methodologies. The diagnosis of the problem was made, in the maintenance area in a construction company, in relation to the year 2019. Based on the evaluation carried out, it was found that the main problem that the company is going through is the low mechanical availability of its machinery. which is less than 90%, managing to affect the indicator and generating an increase of 15.8% in repair and maintenance costs. The work is divided into four chapters which are detailed below. Chapter I focuses on the state of the art and the theoretical framework where the literature of the methodologies and industrial engineering tools used is seen. In chapter II, the diagnosis of the sector and the company's problems was carried out, using the following tools: VSM, Pareto, SIPOC and the problem tree to find the main causes that caused the low availability of the machinery. Chapter III explained the use of methodologies to solve the causes that generated low mechanical availability, through a model that involves the use of RCM and TPM methodologies. In chapter IV, the proposed model was validated through a simulation in Arena and @risk for the return on investment to be used and finally the conclusions and recommendations of the research work are shown.
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