Bibliographic citations
Purizaca, K., Pereyra, J. (2022). El espíritu emprendedor y su impacto en el desempeño de los equipos de trabajo de una empresa tradicional [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Purizaca, K., Pereyra, J. El espíritu emprendedor y su impacto en el desempeño de los equipos de trabajo de una empresa tradicional [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "El espíritu emprendedor y su impacto en el desempeño de los equipos de trabajo de una empresa tradicional",
author = "Pereyra Paz, Jorge Ernesto",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Over the years, many companies have ceased to exist or have gone bankrupt, largely due to not adapting to the changes that the market frequently presents. A traditional company commonly manages its operations in a classic way and has the task of maintaining the essence of the organization, but also of getting ahead despite the implication that exists when making organizational changes such as applying entrepreneurial cultures that contribute to its improvement. The objective of this documentary scientific research with a hermeneutic approach is to contrast the positions of the authors consulted on the impact generated by the entrepreneurial spirit in the performance of the work teams of a traditional company, taking into account the concept of the organizational culture of a company. traditional company, the impact of the leadership factor, creativity and innovation as characteristics of the entrepreneurial spirit in the performance of the work teams of a traditional company. Studies show that the organizational culture of a traditional company is managed by authoritarian and hierarchical leaders who exercise control over their employees, which means that the work team is limited. Controversies were found about the impact of leadership in the work teams of a traditional company, some authors indicated that exploitative leadership has a negative impact, while others maintain that the impact of leadership in the work teams of a traditional company is positive. On the impact of innovation and creativity in the work teams of a traditional company, it was found that the impact of creativity and innovation in the work teams of a traditional company is positive and an isolated case of authors who held a negative position.
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