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Chuquipiondo, E., (2022). Centro cultural comunitario en Villa El Salvador [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Chuquipiondo, E., Centro cultural comunitario en Villa El Salvador [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Centro cultural comunitario en Villa El Salvador",
author = "Chuquipiondo Buelot, Eduardo Francisco",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Title: Centro cultural comunitario en Villa El Salvador
Other Titles: Community Cultural Center in Villa El Salvador
Authors(s): Chuquipiondo Buelot, Eduardo Francisco
Advisor(s): Mercado Neuman, Pilar
Keywords: Centro cultural comunitario; Villa el Salvador; Énfasis de flexibilidad arquitectónica; MINCUL; Esparcimiento; Súper manzanas; Morfología; Apropiación del espacio público; Polo educativo; Morphology; Appropriation of public space; Educational pol
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 20-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El proyecto de tesis consta del desarrollo de un Centro Cultural Comunitario en Villa el Salvador con el énfasis de flexibilidad arquitectónica cuyo fin es brindar de infraestructura adecuada para el desarrollo de actividades culturales comunitarias al distrito. En primer lugar, se realizó una investigación sobre las actividades culturales de la comunidad, basado en el programa puntos de cultura del MINCUL. Se determinó los distintos tipos de actividades culturales que se desarrollan; la falta o precaria infraestructura dentro del distrito, la cuantificación de los usuarios actuales y la necesidad individual de los usuarios. En segundo lugar, usando el énfasis de flexibilidad arquitectónica, se integran dichas actividades en espacios con la capacidad de modificarse para desarrollar la mayor cantidad de actividades en un mismo ambiente o la capacidad de ampliarse para albergar mayor cantidad de aforo. Por otro lado, el proyecto otorga espacios públicos de esparcimiento y enseñanza a la comunidad logrando con esto, la apropiación del espacio público para una mayor cohesión de la comunidad. Se busca una arquitectura abierta al entorno, de manera que el terreno no se encuentre cercado logrando que las personas que atraviesen el Centro Cultural Comunitario tengan la posibilidad de aproximación a las actividades y uso de las instalaciones. Se logra el control sobre los espacios interiores al usar dos puntos de acceso principales. El proyecto se adapta a la morfología del distrito en base al planteamiento de las “Súper Manzanas” logrando un lugar para el desarrollo y exposición de actividades culturales y comunitarias.
The thesis project consists of the development of a Community Cultural Center in Villa el Salvador with the emphasis on architectural flexibility whose purpose is to provide adequate infrastructure for the development of community cultural activities in the district. In the first place, an investigation was carried out on the cultural activities of the community, based on the culture points program of the MINCUL. The different types of cultural activities that are developed were determined; the lack or precarious infrastructure within the district, the quantification of the current users and the individual needs of the users. Second, using the emphasis on architectural flexibility, these activities are integrated into spaces with the ability to be modified to develop the largest number of activities in the same environment or the ability to expand to accommodate a greater amount of capacity. On the other hand, the project grants public spaces for recreation and education to the community, thereby achieving the appropriation of public space for greater community cohesion. An architecture open to the environment is sought, so that the land is not fenced, making it possible for people who pass through the Community Cultural Center to approach the activities and use the facilities. Control over interior spaces is achieved by using two main access points. The project adapts to the morphology of the district based on the "Super Apples" approach, achieving a place for the development and exhibition of cultural and community activities.
The thesis project consists of the development of a Community Cultural Center in Villa el Salvador with the emphasis on architectural flexibility whose purpose is to provide adequate infrastructure for the development of community cultural activities in the district. In the first place, an investigation was carried out on the cultural activities of the community, based on the culture points program of the MINCUL. The different types of cultural activities that are developed were determined; the lack or precarious infrastructure within the district, the quantification of the current users and the individual needs of the users. Second, using the emphasis on architectural flexibility, these activities are integrated into spaces with the ability to be modified to develop the largest number of activities in the same environment or the ability to expand to accommodate a greater amount of capacity. On the other hand, the project grants public spaces for recreation and education to the community, thereby achieving the appropriation of public space for greater community cohesion. An architecture open to the environment is sought, so that the land is not fenced, making it possible for people who pass through the Community Cultural Center to approach the activities and use the facilities. Control over interior spaces is achieved by using two main access points. The project adapts to the morphology of the district based on the "Super Apples" approach, achieving a place for the development and exhibition of cultural and community activities.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 28-Oct-2022
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