Bibliographic citations
Burgos, L., Guzman, A. (2022). Relación entre las políticas de equidad de género y el desempeño organizacional de las startups peruanas ganadoras del concurso Startup Perú de la 7ma generación del 2019, en el 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Burgos, L., Guzman, A. Relación entre las políticas de equidad de género y el desempeño organizacional de las startups peruanas ganadoras del concurso Startup Perú de la 7ma generación del 2019, en el 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Relación entre las políticas de equidad de género y el desempeño organizacional de las startups peruanas ganadoras del concurso Startup Perú de la 7ma generación del 2019, en el 2022",
author = "Guzman Capuñay, Andrea",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
As a society, there are problems that should not be ignored, one of them is the gender gap, which can manifest itself in everyday situations, such as in the academic and/or work environment, through differentiation in treatment, salary, working conditions, opportunities, access to education or the absence of policies that consider the fundamental characteristics of each gender. If we focus on the workplace, the progress of organizations regarding gender equality is undeniable. The insertion of women in the Peruvian labor market has increased in recent years. Although when mentioning gender equality, it is usually attributed to the struggle of women to find a place in an unequal country, equality not only seeks to respect the rights of women, but of both sexes, with the aim that both can perform under favorable conditions. Therefore, this research seeks to find the relationship between gender equality and a well-studied and important variable for companies, which is organizational performance. On the other hand, the results of the research may differ depending on the environment that is evaluated; therefore, the study was applied to a particular group of companies, called startups, which are characterized by their innovative profile and closeness to technology. The sample consisted of 189 workers from startups that won the Startup Peru 2019 contest.
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