Bibliographic citations
Caro, A., Fiege, V., Gensollen, M., Planas, A., Vega, B. (2022). Proyecto de desarrollo e implementación basado en la creación de una aplicación móvil Fincapp para la automatización de procesos financieros y contables de una empresa en Lima Metropolitana 2022 [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Caro, A., Fiege, V., Gensollen, M., Planas, A., Vega, B. Proyecto de desarrollo e implementación basado en la creación de una aplicación móvil Fincapp para la automatización de procesos financieros y contables de una empresa en Lima Metropolitana 2022 [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Proyecto de desarrollo e implementación basado en la creación de una aplicación móvil Fincapp para la automatización de procesos financieros y contables de una empresa en Lima Metropolitana 2022",
author = "Vega Glave, Brenda Sofia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Peru is the world’s fifth most entrepreneurial country; nonetheless, eight out of ten companies fail before reaching their fifth year of operations. In order to combat its main cause: poor financial management, the Fincapp project was developed. During the research period, several interviews and focus groups were conducted with financial experts, mobile application developers, SME entrepreneurs and potential customers in order to validate the existence of the problem and the solution; similarly, user experience experiments, concierge experiments and secondary sources were used to verify the viability of the business model and purchase intention. Fincapp is an application that simplifies and automates the collection and organization of business financial information, displaying it in financial statements, ratios and graphs. In addition, it offers inventory control and scenario simulation. With the data obtained, it was possible to conclude that Fincapp is a financially viable and economically attractive business, with an IRR of 76.29% and a NPV of 402,033 soles -using a CoK of 17.38%-.
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