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Chambilla, B., (2022). La gestión del talento humano en la industria hotelera [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Chambilla, B., La gestión del talento humano en la industria hotelera [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "La gestión del talento humano en la industria hotelera",
author = "Chambilla Cabrera, Brayan Geraldo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Title: La gestión del talento humano en la industria hotelera
Other Titles: Human talent management in the hospitality industry
Authors(s): Chambilla Cabrera, Brayan Geraldo
Advisor(s): Rivas Medina, Ana Cecilia
Keywords: Gestión del talento humano; Estrategias; Hotelería; Retención de personal; Desempeño; Human talent management; Strategies; Hospitality; Staff retention; Performance
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 11-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: Actualmente, en la industria hotelera las empresas requieren de personal calificado y capacitado para tener éxito organizacional, esto se logra mediante la gestión del talento humano. Es por ello, que esta herramienta de recursos humanos juega un rol importante en las compañías hoteleras, evitando problemas como la rotación de personal, el desempeño laboral inadecuado y la falta de compromiso. Además, las empresas de la industria hotelera emplean diferentes estrategias para mejorar el desempeño de la gestión talento en el personal a través de incentivos monetarios o económicos y los no remunerados que ayudan a fortalecer la comunicación entre los jefes y colaboradores. Existe publicaciones académicas que brindan conocimiento sobre las estrategias que la industria hotelera ha desarrollado para la gestión del talento humano, este conocimiento se encuentra disperso y requiere ser sintetizado y analizado en un único documento. El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar como se gestiona el talento humano en la industria hotelera. Por último, se darán a conocer los hallazgos que avalen el alcance del trabajo de investigación en la importancia de la gestión del talento humano, ya que el desarrollo correcto de este instrumento garantiza un correcto desempeño del personal y evita fuga de talento de la compañía.
Nowadays, in the hotel industry, companies require qualified and trained personnel to have organizational success, this is achieved through human talent management. Therefore, these human resources tool plays an important role in hotel companies, avoiding problems such as staff turnover, inadequate job performance and lack of commitment. In addition, companies in the hotel industry employ different strategies to improve the performance of talent management in the staff through monetary or economic incentives and non-remunerated incentives that help strengthen communication between managers and employees. There are academic publications that provide knowledge about the strategies that the hotel industry has developed for the management of human talent, this knowledge is dispersed and needs to be synthesized and analyzed in a single document. The objective of this research is to identify how human talent is managed in the hotel industry. Finally, the findings that support the scope of the research work on the importance of human talent management will be presented, since the correct development of this instrument guarantees a correct performance of the personnel and avoids talent leakage from the company.
Nowadays, in the hotel industry, companies require qualified and trained personnel to have organizational success, this is achieved through human talent management. Therefore, these human resources tool plays an important role in hotel companies, avoiding problems such as staff turnover, inadequate job performance and lack of commitment. In addition, companies in the hotel industry employ different strategies to improve the performance of talent management in the staff through monetary or economic incentives and non-remunerated incentives that help strengthen communication between managers and employees. There are academic publications that provide knowledge about the strategies that the hotel industry has developed for the management of human talent, this knowledge is dispersed and needs to be synthesized and analyzed in a single document. The objective of this research is to identify how human talent is managed in the hotel industry. Finally, the findings that support the scope of the research work on the importance of human talent management will be presented, since the correct development of this instrument guarantees a correct performance of the personnel and avoids talent leakage from the company.
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Discipline: Hotelería y Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Administración en Hotelería y Turismo
Grade or title: Bachiller en Hoteleria y Administración
Register date: 31-Aug-2022
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