Bibliographic citations
Chacón, A., Juárez, A. (2022). La representación de la mujer en el libro Nueve Lunas (2009) de Gabriela Wiener y su traducción al inglés [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Chacón, A., Juárez, A. La representación de la mujer en el libro Nueve Lunas (2009) de Gabriela Wiener y su traducción al inglés [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "La representación de la mujer en el libro Nueve Lunas (2009) de Gabriela Wiener y su traducción al inglés",
author = "Juárez Pinto, Alejandra Magnolia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Nueve Lunas is a book written by Peruvian author and journalist Gabriela Wiener in 2009. The narrative of the book can be categorized within the narrative style of gonzo journalism, because it seeks to describe the way in which the author, as the protagonist of her story, perceives and describes motherhood and women’s sexuality from her personal experience during her pregnancy. On this basis, the representation of women in the book begins to be configured and constructed according to the subjective narration style of the author. Therefore, the main objective of this investigation is to analyze how the representation of women is constructed based on the experience of motherhood and women’s sexuality in the book Nueve Lunas (2009), and in its English translation Nine Moons (2020). For this purpose, this investigation takes a qualitative approach and uses the case study research method. Furthermore, the content analysis technique will be used to produce and collect information; and the contrastive textual analysis technique will allow us to analyze how the representation of women is constructed in the translation of the book.
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