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Huillca, D., Cubas, S., Chumpitaz, G., Chavez, W., Ccaico, J. (2022). Proyecto CuidaPets [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Huillca, D., Cubas, S., Chumpitaz, G., Chavez, W., Ccaico, J. Proyecto CuidaPets [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Proyecto CuidaPets",
author = "Ccaico Quicaño, Jenny Maribel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Title: Proyecto CuidaPets
Authors(s): Huillca Espillico, Delia Patricia; Cubas Leon, Sebastian Kevin; Chumpitaz Levano, Gianmarco; Chavez Gamarra, Wilbert Francescoly; Ccaico Quicaño, Jenny Maribel
Advisor(s): Zavala Lucar, Christian Enrique
Keywords: Cuidapets; Cuidadores; Mascotas; Aplicativo; Paseo de mascotas; Caregivers; Pets; Application; Pet walk
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente proyecto de investigación consiste en la constitución de una interfaz móvil a partir de una problemática evidenciada en Lima Metropolitana. En ocasiones, las personas que tienen mascota a su cargo, no gozan del tiempo suficiente para dedicarles a causa de múltiples factores. Por ejemplo, horarios complicados de carácter laboral, viajes imprevistos, reuniones con espacios prohibidos para animales, etc. Del mismo modo, existe una constante preocupación y frustración del usuario por no saber con quién dejar a su ser querido. Ante ello, nace Cuida Pets, un aplicativo móvil que brinda un espacio dinámico que ofrece múltiples alternativas a los dueños de mascotas. Teniendo la facilidad de encontrar al cuidador idóneo según su cercanía en el mapa de geolocalización. Tomando en cuenta estos elementos es cómo el App móvil Cuida Pets busca generar una presencia imponente dentro de una industria con proyecciones de crecimiento sostenido.
A través de la validación del problema se evidenció la existencia de un elemento que requiere solución. A través de múltiples experimentos y herramientas se ratificó el modelo de negocio que permitió establecer resultados concretos en cada uno de los cuadrantes del Business Model Canvas. Asimismo, se obtuvo intereses de compras concretas mediante la comercialización del producto mínimo viable, lo que evidencia la existencia objetiva de adquirir el servicio por parte de nuestro público objetivo. Por último, mediante el uso de un análisis crítico y cognitivo, se elaboró el plan financiero para obtener indicadores que comprueben la validez y viabilidad del proyecto.
This research project consists of the constitution of a mobile interface based on a problem identified in Metropolitan Lima. Sometimes, people who have a pet in their care do not have enough time to dedicate them due to multiple factors. For example, complicated work schedules, unforeseen trips, meetings with forbidden spaces for animals, etc. Similarly, there is a constant worry and frustration of the user at not knowing who to leave their loved one with. With this in mind, Cuida Pets is born, a mobile application that provides a dynamic space that offers multiple alternatives to pet owners. Having the facility to find the right caregiver according to their proximity on the geolocation map. Taking these elements into account is how the mobile App Cuida Pets seeks to generate an imposing presence within an industry with projections of sustained growth. The validation of the problem revealed the existence of an element that requires a solution. Through multiple experiments and tools, the business model was ratified that allowed the establishment of concrete results in each of the quadrants of the Business Model Canvas. Concrete purchasing interests were also obtained through the marketing of the minimum viable product, which shows the objective existence of purchasing the service by our target audience. Finally, through the use of critical and cognitive analysis, the financial plan was developed in order to obtain indicators to test the validity and viability of the project.
This research project consists of the constitution of a mobile interface based on a problem identified in Metropolitan Lima. Sometimes, people who have a pet in their care do not have enough time to dedicate them due to multiple factors. For example, complicated work schedules, unforeseen trips, meetings with forbidden spaces for animals, etc. Similarly, there is a constant worry and frustration of the user at not knowing who to leave their loved one with. With this in mind, Cuida Pets is born, a mobile application that provides a dynamic space that offers multiple alternatives to pet owners. Having the facility to find the right caregiver according to their proximity on the geolocation map. Taking these elements into account is how the mobile App Cuida Pets seeks to generate an imposing presence within an industry with projections of sustained growth. The validation of the problem revealed the existence of an element that requires a solution. Through multiple experiments and tools, the business model was ratified that allowed the establishment of concrete results in each of the quadrants of the Business Model Canvas. Concrete purchasing interests were also obtained through the marketing of the minimum viable product, which shows the objective existence of purchasing the service by our target audience. Finally, through the use of critical and cognitive analysis, the financial plan was developed in order to obtain indicators to test the validity and viability of the project.
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Discipline: Administración y Negocios Internacionales; Administración y Finanzas; Contabilidad y Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración y Negocios Internacionales; Bachiller en Administración y Finanzas; Bachiller en Contabilidad y Administración
Register date: 16-Aug-2022
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