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Bohórquez, J., Calvo, D., Carnero, C., Celis, N., Olivares, D. (2022). [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Bohórquez, J., Calvo, D., Carnero, C., Celis, N., Olivares, D. [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "",
author = "Olivares Rodríguez, Diego Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Authors(s): Bohórquez Carrasco, José Andrés; Calvo Portilla, Dilbert Omar; Carnero Tenazoa, Celeste De Los Ángeles; Celis Trujillo, Noelia Escarlet; Olivares Rodríguez, Diego Enrique
Advisor(s): Rivera Peirano, Violeta Lidia
Keywords: Restaurantes; Aplicativo; Gastronomía; Marketing; Redes sociales; Restaurants; Application; Gastronomy; Marketing; Social networks
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En el presente trabajo, se busca formular un modelo de negocio para su implementación. Dicho modelo de negocio debe lograr cubrir una necesidad insatisfecha del público objetivo. Una vez encontrada la necesidad, se propone una alternativa de solución para la que hemos realizado múltiples experimentos con el objetivo de validar que la propuesta genera valor en el mercado. Por lo cual, hemos entrevistado a diversos usuarios y ejecutados experimentos de validación, obteniendo información necesaria para ir mejorando nuestra propuesta en función de los gustos y preferencias de nuestros potenciales clientes. Como resultado, hemos obtenido un aplicativo que logra brindar información relevante a partir de experiencias de otros usuarios, y de esta forma brindar al cliente un buen lugar gastronómico evitando malas experiencias y ahorro. También, se realizó un plan del concierge y simulación de las ventas, mediante el cual se validó la intención de compra del usuario. Esto llevado a cabo mediante 4 experimentos de marketing en redes sociales donde se pudo determinar el alcance de nuestra idea de negocio, la interacción del público con el contenido y el porcentaje de clientes que están dispuestos a acceder a una suscripción premium de nuestro proyecto. Finalmente se hizo un plan financiero, donde se hizo la proyección de las ventas para 3 años y se estableció el financiamiento adecuado para la idea de negocio. Lo que resulto que ADONDE COMER.PE es un negocio innovador y viable porque significara mayores ganancias que perdidas en un futuro.
In the present work, we seek to formulate a business model for its implementation. Said business model must manage to cover an unsatisfied need of the public objective. Once the need is found, a solution is proposed for which we have carried out multiple experiments with the aim of validating that the proposal generates value in the market. For this reason, we have interviewed various users and carried out validation experiments, obtaining the necessary information to improve our proposal based on the tastes and preferences of our potential clients. As a result, we have obtained an application that manages to provide relevant information based on the experiences of other users, and thus provide the customer with a good gastronomic place, avoiding bad experiences and saving. Also, a concierge plan and sales simulation were carried out, through which the user's purchase intention was validated. This was carried out through 4 social media marketing experiments where it was possible to determine the scope of our business idea, the interaction of the public with the content and the percentage of clients who are willing to access a premium subscription of our project. Finally, a financial plan was made, where the sales projection was made for 3 years and the adequate financing for the business idea was established. As a result, ADONDE COMER.PE is an innovative and viable business because it will mean greater profits than losses in the future.
In the present work, we seek to formulate a business model for its implementation. Said business model must manage to cover an unsatisfied need of the public objective. Once the need is found, a solution is proposed for which we have carried out multiple experiments with the aim of validating that the proposal generates value in the market. For this reason, we have interviewed various users and carried out validation experiments, obtaining the necessary information to improve our proposal based on the tastes and preferences of our potential clients. As a result, we have obtained an application that manages to provide relevant information based on the experiences of other users, and thus provide the customer with a good gastronomic place, avoiding bad experiences and saving. Also, a concierge plan and sales simulation were carried out, through which the user's purchase intention was validated. This was carried out through 4 social media marketing experiments where it was possible to determine the scope of our business idea, the interaction of the public with the content and the percentage of clients who are willing to access a premium subscription of our project. Finally, a financial plan was made, where the sales projection was made for 3 years and the adequate financing for the business idea was established. As a result, ADONDE COMER.PE is an innovative and viable business because it will mean greater profits than losses in the future.
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Discipline: Administración y Negocios Internacionales; Administración y Negocios del Deporte
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración y Negocios Internacionales; Bachiller en Administración y Negocios del Deporte
Register date: 15-Aug-2022
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