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Liendo, V., (2022). Mercado de Tercera Generación en Cercado de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Liendo, V., Mercado de Tercera Generación en Cercado de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Mercado de Tercera Generación en Cercado de Lima",
author = "Liendo Cordova, Víctor Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Title: Mercado de Tercera Generación en Cercado de Lima
Other Titles: Third Generation Market in Cercado of Lima
Authors(s): Liendo Cordova, Víctor Raúl
Advisor(s): Alvariño Florián, Rosa Mercedes
Keywords: Comercio; Regeneración urbana; Interrelación espacial; Cercado de lima; Trade; Urban regeneration; Spatial interrelation; Lime fencing
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: A lo largo de los tiempos hemos estado conectados mediante la transacción comercial y poco a poco lo vamos perdiendo por mecanismos, facilismos o simplemente porque nosotros nos alejamos de este contacto y este sufren cambios que para nosotros ya no están dentro de lo correcto. Esto sucede con los mercados, nos hemos alejado de ellos y los hemos dejado ubicados dentro de las ciudades y muchas veces no crecen, ni se desarrollan como lo hace la misma ciudad, y en el peor de los casos ya no están dentro del desarrollo de crecimiento de esta. Estamos perdiendo el contacto con productos frescos, el contacto interpersonal con una persona que sabe lo que debemos comer, cuándo, de qué forma y por qué. Estos mercados deberían ser recuperados y revalorizados a fin de que se mantenga este mecanismo tan antiguo y que es el motor de barrios o distritos.
Por esta y por otras razones que serán expuestas en esta investigación, se conocerá más sobre los mercados minoristas en el Perú y se propondrá una rehabilitación de los mismos. En este caso se desarrollará el estudio en el Cercado de Lima, distrito que actualmente pasa por un desarrollo inmobiliario de gran magnitud.
El presente documento se desarrolla en varios capítulos: Desarrollo del tema, historia contemporánea de mercados municipales, modernización de mercados minoristas, nueva generaciones de mercados, tercera generación de mercados, proyectos referenciales, reglamentación, usuario, programa arquitectónico, expediente urbano de terreno, proyecto y bibliografía.
Throughout the times we have been connected through the commercial transaction and little by little we are losing it by mechanisms, by facilitating or simply because we are moving away from this contact and this is undergoing changes that for us is no longer within the correct. This happens with the markets, we have moved away from them and we have left them located within the cities and many times they do not grow or develop as the city does, and in the worst case they are no longer within the development of growth of the city. We are losing contact with fresh products, interpersonal contact with a person who knows what we should eat, when, in what form and why. These markets should be recovered and revalued in order to maintain this old mechanism and that is the engine of neighborhoods or districts. For this and for other reasons that will be exposed in this investigation, we will know more about the retail markets in Peru and will propose a rehabilitation of the same. In this case, the study will be developed in the Cercado de Lima, a district that currently undergoes a large-scale real estate development. This document is developed in chapters: Development of the theme, Contemporary history of municipal markets, modernization of retail markets, new generations of markets, third generation of markets, referential projects, regulation, user, architectural program, urban land file, project and bibliography.
Throughout the times we have been connected through the commercial transaction and little by little we are losing it by mechanisms, by facilitating or simply because we are moving away from this contact and this is undergoing changes that for us is no longer within the correct. This happens with the markets, we have moved away from them and we have left them located within the cities and many times they do not grow or develop as the city does, and in the worst case they are no longer within the development of growth of the city. We are losing contact with fresh products, interpersonal contact with a person who knows what we should eat, when, in what form and why. These markets should be recovered and revalued in order to maintain this old mechanism and that is the engine of neighborhoods or districts. For this and for other reasons that will be exposed in this investigation, we will know more about the retail markets in Peru and will propose a rehabilitation of the same. In this case, the study will be developed in the Cercado de Lima, a district that currently undergoes a large-scale real estate development. This document is developed in chapters: Development of the theme, Contemporary history of municipal markets, modernization of retail markets, new generations of markets, third generation of markets, referential projects, regulation, user, architectural program, urban land file, project and bibliography.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 12-Jul-2022
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