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Gambini, Y., Inciso, A., Paredes, A., Pinto, Y., Sanguinetti, M. (2022). Equilibrio [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gambini, Y., Inciso, A., Paredes, A., Pinto, Y., Sanguinetti, M. Equilibrio [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Equilibrio",
author = "Sanguinetti Argomedo, Maira Athala",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Title: Equilibrio
Authors(s): Gambini Suarez, Yuly Maribel; Inciso Calderón, Angel Marcelo; Paredes Santiago, Angello Wilber; Pinto Tapullima, Yissa Roxana; Sanguinetti Argomedo, Maira Athala
Advisor(s): Gaviria Clemente, Juan Francisco
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En la actualidad hay un crecimiento del comercio electrónico en el mundo, después de la pandemia Covid-19 las personas para evitar los contagios optaron por realizar sus compras, servicios, experiencias con mayor frecuencia electrónicamente. La innovación tecnológica contribuye con este crecimiento de las plataformas online, asimismo, hay mayor demanda de aplicativos móviles que ayudan a facilitar a los usuarios tomar decisiones de compra en tiempo real.
Es por ello por lo que decidimos realizar este proyecto de negocio, el cuál es un aplicativo móvil especializado en ofrecer servicios de soporte emocional, como terapias de psicología, clases de yoga, meditación, aromaterapia, Cristaloterapia, biomagnetismo, entre otros.
La principal característica es contar con un staff de terapeutas, instructores con amplia experiencia quienes brindarán sus servicios a través de esta App, la cual será fácil de utilizar, con pantallas dinámicas, con accesos en tiempo real y con garantía. La estrategia del modelo de negocio está enfocada en la diferenciación del servicio brindado mediante nuestra plataforma.
Según los resultados obtenidos del análisis financiero nuestro proyecto tiene un VAN del flujo de caja neto del inversionista de S/16548.33 soles, también observamos que la tasa TIR del inversionista es de 83.10% superando el COK del inversionista el cual es del 60%. Por último, el periodo de recuperación de la inversión del flujo de caja neto del inversionista es de 2.15 años.
El resultado obtenido en este proyecto nos permite estar completamente seguros de que somos una gran opción para alguien que busca invertir en un negocio sumamente rentable.
Currently there is a growth of electronic commerce in the world, after the Covid-19 pandemic, people, to avoid contagion, chose to make their purchases, services, experiences more frequently electronically. Technological innovation contributes to this growth of online platforms, and there is also a greater demand for mobile applications that help users make purchase decisions in real time. That is why we decided to carry out this business project, which is a mobile application specialized in offering emotional support services, such as psychological therapies, yoga classes, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, biomagnetism, among others. The main feature is to have a staff of therapists, instructors with extensive experience who will provide their services through this App, which will be easy to use, with dynamic screens, real-time access, and warranty. The business model strategy is focused on differentiating the service provided through our platform. According to the results obtained from the financial analysis, our project has a NPV of the investor's net cash flow of S/16,548.33 soles. We also observe that the investor's IRR rate is 83.10%, exceeding the investor's COK, which is 60%. Finally, the payback period of the investor's net cash flow investment is 2.15 years. The result obtained in this project allows us to be completely sure that we are a great option for someone looking to invest in a highly profitable business.
Currently there is a growth of electronic commerce in the world, after the Covid-19 pandemic, people, to avoid contagion, chose to make their purchases, services, experiences more frequently electronically. Technological innovation contributes to this growth of online platforms, and there is also a greater demand for mobile applications that help users make purchase decisions in real time. That is why we decided to carry out this business project, which is a mobile application specialized in offering emotional support services, such as psychological therapies, yoga classes, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, biomagnetism, among others. The main feature is to have a staff of therapists, instructors with extensive experience who will provide their services through this App, which will be easy to use, with dynamic screens, real-time access, and warranty. The business model strategy is focused on differentiating the service provided through our platform. According to the results obtained from the financial analysis, our project has a NPV of the investor's net cash flow of S/16,548.33 soles. We also observe that the investor's IRR rate is 83.10%, exceeding the investor's COK, which is 60%. Finally, the payback period of the investor's net cash flow investment is 2.15 years. The result obtained in this project allows us to be completely sure that we are a great option for someone looking to invest in a highly profitable business.
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Discipline: Administración de Banca y Finanzas; Administración de Empresas; Contabilidad; Marketing
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Banca y Finanzas; Bachiller en Administración de Empresas; Bachiller en Contabilidad; Bachiller en Marketing
Register date: 7-Jun-2022
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