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Alfaro, S., Coro, M., Espinoza, G., Ramirez, V., Salinas, C. (2021). Terapias in house [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Alfaro, S., Coro, M., Espinoza, G., Ramirez, V., Salinas, C. Terapias in house [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Terapias in house",
author = "Salinas Camones, Cynthia Beatriz",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Title: Terapias in house
Authors(s): Alfaro Monzon, Sandra Ivonne; Coro Huamán, Melina; Espinoza Sanchez, Greydit Yajaira; Ramirez Vilcayauri, Veronica Carmen; Salinas Camones, Cynthia Beatriz
Advisor(s): Reyes Vizcarra, Harry Nelson
Keywords: Estrés; Salud y bienestar; Aplicativo móvil; Stress; Health & Wellness; Mobile application
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2021
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En la actualidad el estrés en la población peruana se está incrementando, esto se debe a diversos factores, por ejemplo, carga laboral, estilo de vida, problemas de salud, entre otros. Por ello, Terapias in House plantea una posible solución, el cual consiste en ofrecer el servicio de masajes terapéuticos a domicilio con profesionales altamente capacitados. Los usuarios podrán solicitar el servicio desde la comodidad de su hogar a través del aplicativo tecnológico de Terapias in House. Por otro lado, el público objetivo de la idea de negocio pertenece al nivel socioeconómico B y C de Lima Metropolitana.
Los principales masajes que ofreceremos serán: masaje relajante corporal, masajes descontracturantes, masaje de drenaje linfático, masaje básico, masaje deportivo, masaje estético y ejercicios de terapia física. Mediante estos servicios nuestros clientes podrán mejorar su salud y bienestar.
Consideramos que la idea de negocio tendrá el éxito esperado debido a que se realizó un plan económico financiero donde se obtuvo una TIR del Flujo de Caja Neto del Inversionista de 70.92%, este resultado es atractivo para los inversionistas, ya que la idea de negocio generará rentabilidad.
Currently stress in Peruvian society is increasing, it is due to many factors, for example: labor stress, lifestyle, health problems, between others. Therefore, “Terapias in House” propose a possible solution, which implies to offer home therapeutic massage service with professionals highly trained. Customers could request the service from their home through the technological app of Terapias in House. On the other hand, we focus on our public objective of socioeconomic level B and C from Lima Metropolitan. The main massages we could offer are going to be relaxing body massage, deconstructing massage, lymphatic drainage massage, basic massage, sports massage, aesthetic massage, and physical therapy exercises. Through the services our customers will be improve their health and well-being. We consider business idea will have the expected success because a financial economic plan was carried out where an IRR of the Investor's Net Cash Flow of 70.92% was obtained, this result is attractive for investors, since the business idea would generate cost effectiveness.
Currently stress in Peruvian society is increasing, it is due to many factors, for example: labor stress, lifestyle, health problems, between others. Therefore, “Terapias in House” propose a possible solution, which implies to offer home therapeutic massage service with professionals highly trained. Customers could request the service from their home through the technological app of Terapias in House. On the other hand, we focus on our public objective of socioeconomic level B and C from Lima Metropolitan. The main massages we could offer are going to be relaxing body massage, deconstructing massage, lymphatic drainage massage, basic massage, sports massage, aesthetic massage, and physical therapy exercises. Through the services our customers will be improve their health and well-being. We consider business idea will have the expected success because a financial economic plan was carried out where an IRR of the Investor's Net Cash Flow of 70.92% was obtained, this result is attractive for investors, since the business idea would generate cost effectiveness.
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Discipline: Contabilidad; Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE
Grade or title: Bachiller en Contabilidad; Bachiller en Negocios Internacionales
Register date: 31-May-2022
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