Bibliographic citations
Lazaro, C., Mendez, D. (2022). Diseño de sistema de aislamiento por transmisibilidad para la reducción del desplazamiento de la base considerando el creciente período de las estructuras aisladas a lo largo de los últimos 20 años [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Lazaro, C., Mendez, D. Diseño de sistema de aislamiento por transmisibilidad para la reducción del desplazamiento de la base considerando el creciente período de las estructuras aisladas a lo largo de los últimos 20 años [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Diseño de sistema de aislamiento por transmisibilidad para la reducción del desplazamiento de la base considerando el creciente período de las estructuras aisladas a lo largo de los últimos 20 años",
author = "Mendez Neciosup, Daniel Fernando",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
In the present research, a new design method is proposed for a basal isolation system for structures, taking advantage of the growing design period that has occurred in the last 20 years. For the design of this passive system, these high periods were used and also the concept of transmissibility, whose purpose is to solve the problem of excessive base displacement of the isolated structure, which is greater than the ground displacement. The structural model worked on corresponds to a 10-story building, which is represented by one degree of freedom per level, due to they are infinitely rigid in their plane, it also supposes to remain in the elastic range under seismic excitations. To work on transmissibility’s concept, all the mathematical analysis was carried out in the frequency domain. Morales (2010) concluded that earthquakes are narrow band (0-10 rad/s) for displacements and that there is a lower limit frequency (0.05 Hz), data that will serve for the design. On the other hand, HDRB isolators, added with viscous dampers, were used to achieve a high damping coefficient. With all the variables found, the matrices were made that will later be used to integrate them into a program that, with the selected seismic excitation, will help to verify the range of displacement reduction due to the proposed design method. The seismic data chosen were from California (USA), Peru and Chile.
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