Bibliographic citations
Quijano, X., (2021). La mirada masculina de los “ninis” sobre la representación de la mujer en los videoclips de Kevin Roldán [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Quijano, X., La mirada masculina de los “ninis” sobre la representación de la mujer en los videoclips de Kevin Roldán [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "La mirada masculina de los “ninis” sobre la representación de la mujer en los videoclips de Kevin Roldán",
author = "Quijano Escobedo, Ximena Milagros",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The purpose of music video clips is to promote the artist's songs through audiovisual content and to create interest with his audience.the present work seeks to expose five musical short films in which the representation of women in reggaeton video clips is recorded. Therefore, the research aims to describe from an observation process how the representation of women according to the male perception of the "ninis" on the video clips of Kevin Roldan. This musical genre has become a topic of controversy because it exposes women as sexual objects in music videos and clearly shows a large number of female qualifiers that emotionally engage the audience with the protagonists in this video clip. The work has a qualitative approach, in which the technique of content analysis will be applied to five video clips of the Colombian singer Kevin Roldan in the last two years. For this research, interviews will be conducted with eight male participants called "ninis" for the purpose of this data collection will be broken down the criteria of the interviewees.
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