Bibliographic citations
Espinoza, P., (2021). La influencia de las transmisiones online de videojuegos y su relación con el comportamiento de la audiencia gamer del Perú [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Espinoza, P., La influencia de las transmisiones online de videojuegos y su relación con el comportamiento de la audiencia gamer del Perú [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "La influencia de las transmisiones online de videojuegos y su relación con el comportamiento de la audiencia gamer del Perú",
author = "Espinoza Chumpitaz, Pablo Andres",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Esports are a modern movement that has been growing rapidly in recent years. These digital skills arise from the variety of video games that have become popular globally. Likewise, the impulse of users to be recognized as the best in their field has encouraged thousands of players to migrate to digital platforms. This is how online pages are born that function as a meeting point for millions of fans in the world, the geographical gap has been deteriorating thanks to the connection via the Internet and new generations have adapted to digitization. This massive migration has been on the rise since the appearance of covid19 which caused the cancellation of many sporting events that were held in person. This is how new users have discovered the world of online entertainment. This is based on a new trend that can generate the same audience as a traditional sport like tennis. The main protagonists of these broadcasts and events are, in many cases, the fans themselves who organically generate the different competitions. Finally, there are the popular streamers, who can be compared to public figures who have miles of viewers who share their ideas and tune into their broadcast’s day by day, they are the authorized voice in the world of e-sports due to their great power of conviction and reciprocity that they receive. These different content generators have led e-sports to a leading role that has generated a lot of curiosity and demand from big brands looking to enter this world.
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