Bibliographic citations
Villanueva, M., (2021). Análisis de la apropiación de la gráfica chicha como comunicador de identidad cultural en campañas publicitarias. Casos: “Más peruano qué…” y “El Perú tiene sabor de oro” [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Villanueva, M., Análisis de la apropiación de la gráfica chicha como comunicador de identidad cultural en campañas publicitarias. Casos: “Más peruano qué…” y “El Perú tiene sabor de oro” [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Análisis de la apropiación de la gráfica chicha como comunicador de identidad cultural en campañas publicitarias. Casos: “Más peruano qué…” y “El Perú tiene sabor de oro”",
author = "Villanueva Urbina, Marvin Gabriel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The following research work deepens and its main objective is to give a first scope of the analysis of the appropriation of the chicha graphic as an identity communicator in advertising campaigns in Peru. To do this, it begins by contextualizing the birth and the changes that the chicha style has had, the first uses and the reason why it was created in the Peruvian social market. It should be noted that over the years some brands in the Peruvian territory resorted to the use of this popular graphic as an image for their advertising campaigns, but not only as a theme of aesthetics, but also inserting a message of cultural identity and with insights from different sectors of the local society. The specific cases that will be analyzed are the campaigns "More Peruvian than ..." of the Peru Brand and "Do you know what happens when a Peruvian listens to cumbia? of the Oro brand, and to give prior support to it, in this paper we analyze studies and articles whose central cases are chicha graphics, popular advertising and the feeling of cultural identity in certain Peruvian campaigns. Some definitions that will be present during the reading will be links between cultural signs and graphic design, appropriation of cultural elements in advertising, identity message in campaigns and the use of chicha graphic elements in brands.
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