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Berrocal, P., Cisneros, M., Delgado, A., Olivas, J., Padilla, L. (2021). Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolares [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Berrocal, P., Cisneros, M., Delgado, A., Olivas, J., Padilla, L. Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolares [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolares",
author = "Padilla Romero, Luiggi Omar",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Title: Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolares
Authors(s): Berrocal Felices, Pompeyo Adrian; Cisneros Avalos, Melanie Melisa; Delgado Alvarez, Alessandro André; Olivas Yaulli, Jason Maximo; Padilla Romero, Luiggi Omar
Advisor(s): Gallardo Valencia, Julian Federico
Keywords: Aplicación móvil; Clases escolares; Reforzamiento educativo; Idea de negocio; Mobile app; School classes; Educational reinforcement; Business idea
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 4-Nov-2021
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El trabajo de investigación consiste en realizar un aplicativo móvil dirigido a nuestro público objetivo quienes son escolares de secundaria de colegios privados de Lima Metropolitana con una necesidad clara de reforzamiento de clases escolares. Por ese motivo, nuestro servicio tiene como modelo de negocio ofrecer clases grabadas dictadas por universitarios con experiencia en cursos de secundaria y a un precio accesible, además de ofrecer teoría, ejercicios y videollamadas para absolver dudas. Sabemos que son menores de edad, por ello dentro de nuestros elementos tecnológicos diferenciadores está el reconocimiento facial que permitirá velar por la seguridad de los adolescentes. No obstante, se realizará un proceso riguroso de reclutamiento y selección de los colaboradores.
Primero, realizamos entrevistas para conocer la problemática. Después, diseñamos y elaboramos el prototipo de alta fidelidad como solución a la necesidad del cliente, de la misma manera con las redes sociales y el landing page para tener un mayor alcance tanto en los escolares quienes demandan el servicio como en los asesores universitarios que ofrecen su servicio. Posteriormente, se elaboraron los diferentes concierge con el objetivo de concretar ventas y de esta manera evaluar la rentabilidad.
Para finalizar, se realizó el plan financiero con la finalidad de determinar si nuestro proyecto es viable o no y si nos genera rentabilidad ya que podríamos realizarlo en un futuro no muy lejano.
The research work consists of making a mobile application aimed at our target audience who are secondary school students from private schools in Metropolitan Lima with a clear need to reinforce school classes. For this reason, our service's business model is to offer recorded classes taught by university students with experience in high school courses and at an affordable price, in addition to offering theory, exercises and video calls to answer questions. We know that they are minors, so within our differentiating technological elements is facial recognition that will ensure the safety of adolescents. However, a rigorous process of recruitment and selection of collaborators will be carried out. First, we conduct interviews to learn about the problem. Then, we design and develop the hi-fi prototype as a solution to the client's need, in the same way with social networks and the landing page to have a greater reach both in the schoolchildren who demand the service and in the university advisers who offer your service. Subsequently, the different concierges were prepared in order to make sales and thus evaluate profitability. Finally, the financial plan was carried out in order to determine if our project is viable or not and if it generates profitability since we could carry it out in the not too distant future.
The research work consists of making a mobile application aimed at our target audience who are secondary school students from private schools in Metropolitan Lima with a clear need to reinforce school classes. For this reason, our service's business model is to offer recorded classes taught by university students with experience in high school courses and at an affordable price, in addition to offering theory, exercises and video calls to answer questions. We know that they are minors, so within our differentiating technological elements is facial recognition that will ensure the safety of adolescents. However, a rigorous process of recruitment and selection of collaborators will be carried out. First, we conduct interviews to learn about the problem. Then, we design and develop the hi-fi prototype as a solution to the client's need, in the same way with social networks and the landing page to have a greater reach both in the schoolchildren who demand the service and in the university advisers who offer your service. Subsequently, the different concierges were prepared in order to make sales and thus evaluate profitability. Finally, the financial plan was carried out in order to determine if our project is viable or not and if it generates profitability since we could carry it out in the not too distant future.
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Discipline: Administración y Marketing; Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración y Marketing; Bachiller en Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Register date: 25-Jan-2022
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