Bibliographic citations
Núñez, G., Palacios, R. (2021). La derogación del reintegro tributario del IGV y su impacto económico en las empresas comercializadoras de productos textiles del distrito de Iquitos, año 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Núñez, G., Palacios, R. La derogación del reintegro tributario del IGV y su impacto económico en las empresas comercializadoras de productos textiles del distrito de Iquitos, año 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "La derogación del reintegro tributario del IGV y su impacto económico en las empresas comercializadoras de productos textiles del distrito de Iquitos, año 2019",
author = "Palacios Meza, Rossela Massiel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The present research work has the purpose of evaluating the economic impact of the repeal of the tax refund of the general sales tax in the textile product commercialization companies of the district of Iquitos located in the jungle of Peru. This research is carried out with the purpose of analyzing the effects and changes both economic and corporate generated in the companies of the textile sector from the decision of the Peruvian State to repeal this tax benefit in December 2018, which consisted of the refund of the general sales tax paid on purchases made by traders in the jungle region. The companies that are the object of this study are those in the textile sector, specifically the companies that have benefited from the tax refund of the general sales tax. In order to formulate our hypotheses and analyze the changes resulting from the derogation, two dimensions were established: the impact on business expectations and the impact on financial ratios. The first one allowed us to verify the effects produced on businessmen's projections and investments. On the other hand, the second allowed us to verify the changes in the financial situation of the companies. The hypotheses were validated through the use of qualitative and quantitative instruments. On the one hand, in-depth interviews were conducted with experts on tax issues; on the other hand, surveys were conducted with the textile sector companies that benefited from the tax reimbursement of the general sales tax.
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