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Natalie, C., Calle, K., Nicolás, C., Flores, E., Hidalgo, J. (2021). CONECTA-DOS: Plataforma Freelance [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Natalie, C., Calle, K., Nicolás, C., Flores, E., Hidalgo, J. CONECTA-DOS: Plataforma Freelance [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "CONECTA-DOS: Plataforma Freelance",
author = "Hidalgo Ramirez, Joaquin Francisco",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Title: CONECTA-DOS: Plataforma Freelance
Authors(s): Natalie Allison, Cantinet Huamán; Calle Espinoza, Katherine Fiorella; Nicolás Mauricio, Cisneros Espinoza; Flores Aguilar, Enrique Jesús; Hidalgo Ramirez, Joaquin Francisco
Advisor(s): Rojas Plasencia, Karina Milagros
Keywords: Plataforma virtual; Freelancers; Emprendedores; Servicios digitales; Virtual platform; Entrepreneurs; Digital services
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2021
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En la actualidad, bajo la coyuntura actual que vivimos a causa de la pandemia COVID-19, el uso de servicios freelance por parte de personas naturales y por los distintos emprendimientos se ha incrementado, debido a que el mundo se ha digitalizado y existe un importante potencial de crecimiento en los servicio digitales, sobre todo para potenciar perfiles empresariales en redes sociales o para fines personales.
Considerando ello, nuestro proyecto se basa en la creación de una plataforma web con presencia en redes sociales que desempeñará el rol de nexo entre freelancers y usuarios, que requieran de sus servicios digitales, enfocándonos en el público ubicado en Lima Metropolitana. El objetivo principal de esta plataforma es que ambos segmentos vivan una experiencia agradable, rápida, eficiente y segura, que satisfaga sus necesidades en el canal digital; con la visión de impulsar la generación de ingresos, de manera sostenible y formal.
Para la sustentación de este proyecto se desarrollaron diversos experimentos que permitieron validar la existencia de la necesidad detectada, las posibles soluciones y el plan que se armó para las cuatro semanas de concierge del proyecto. Los resultados que obtuvimos de los experimentos, nos llevaron a comprender la importancia de validar el segmento de socios clave y el canal de atención y comunicación con nuestros clientes; así como validar las intenciones de compra y las ventas realizadas.
Descritas las líneas anteriores, colocamos a disposición de los lectores el presente trabajo de investigación para que sirva como guía para futuros proyectos e ideas de negocio, que resulten sostenibles en el tiempo, siguiendo un espíritu innovador en cada etapa.
The present research work consists of the development of a web platform that connects freelancers with users, the purpose is to see the feasibility of digitizing this industry from new tactics and tools of connection between these users. The objective of this platform is to seek to offer a fast and efficient experience, which allows you to meet your needs as individuals. With the vision of facilitating income generation in the wake of this pandemic, in a sustainable and formal way. To support this project, several experiments were developed to validate the existence of a common need or problem and a business model that provides an immediate solution. The results of these concierges will provide to ascertain the hypothesis of the strategies on which this project is based. In the last part of the document, you will be able to appreciate the financing plan of the business structure, as well as the development of an integrated marketing plan, social responsibility purposes and a financial analysis that determines and estimates the degree of success of the project. Finally, for the development of each part of the support of the project, internal and external change factors that may significantly affect the company were taken into account, such as political uncertainty and the global crisis due to COVID-19. To this end, applicable strategies are developed for each scenario as part of a contingency plan, as well as various proposals that directly or indirectly influence key processes for the project, which allows to know the level of acceptance of the business idea.
The present research work consists of the development of a web platform that connects freelancers with users, the purpose is to see the feasibility of digitizing this industry from new tactics and tools of connection between these users. The objective of this platform is to seek to offer a fast and efficient experience, which allows you to meet your needs as individuals. With the vision of facilitating income generation in the wake of this pandemic, in a sustainable and formal way. To support this project, several experiments were developed to validate the existence of a common need or problem and a business model that provides an immediate solution. The results of these concierges will provide to ascertain the hypothesis of the strategies on which this project is based. In the last part of the document, you will be able to appreciate the financing plan of the business structure, as well as the development of an integrated marketing plan, social responsibility purposes and a financial analysis that determines and estimates the degree of success of the project. Finally, for the development of each part of the support of the project, internal and external change factors that may significantly affect the company were taken into account, such as political uncertainty and the global crisis due to COVID-19. To this end, applicable strategies are developed for each scenario as part of a contingency plan, as well as various proposals that directly or indirectly influence key processes for the project, which allows to know the level of acceptance of the business idea.
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Discipline: Administración y Marketing
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración y Marketing
Register date: 8-Sep-2021
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License