Bibliographic citations
Medina, A., (2021). Propuesta de un algoritmo para determinar el orden en que se deben ejecutar los proyectos de una institución cuando existen dos o más criterios de orden [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Medina, A., Propuesta de un algoritmo para determinar el orden en que se deben ejecutar los proyectos de una institución cuando existen dos o más criterios de orden [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Propuesta de un algoritmo para determinar el orden en que se deben ejecutar los proyectos de una institución cuando existen dos o más criterios de orden",
author = "Medina Martínez, Antonio Marcos",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
When the projects or pending tasks that exist in a company are medium or large, it is not always possible to do them all at the same time, due to time, resource, and personnel limitations, because there is a dependency of order between some projects, etc. If several areas or several people must decide in which order the projects should executed, there is not always a consensus, and when there is not, the proposal of the CEO, the most experienced manager or any other that generally prevails. it does not satisfy everyone. In other words, the final decision falls on only one person or on a few people, leaving out the proposals of the majority. This research work proposes an algorithm that allows determining in what order the pending projects should executed, considering the hierarchy of the projects and the opinion of all the areas or responsible persons. The algorithm was applied, as a pilot, in seven companies of different areas, and the opinion of all the general managers and managers of different areas was that the proposal of this algorithm is very relevant because in some way it considers the opinion of all those responsible and these commits, makes the entire team responsible for the success or failure of the decision made. With the recommendations given by the managers of the companies visited, the structure of the algorithm will be strengthened so that its results are as objective as possible.
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