Bibliographic citations
Castro, H., (2020). Análisis del sistema de señalética y diseño gráfico ambiental en la actualidad para personas con discapacidad visual en el Metro de Lima [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Castro, H., Análisis del sistema de señalética y diseño gráfico ambiental en la actualidad para personas con discapacidad visual en el Metro de Lima [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Análisis del sistema de señalética y diseño gráfico ambiental en la actualidad para personas con discapacidad visual en el Metro de Lima",
author = "Castro Mesias, Hilda Guadalupe",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This research analyzes the environmental signage and graphic design system of the Metro de Lima and the way it impacts the mobility of people with visual disabilities. It seeks to analyze the characteristics of the system, identify the needs regarding its mobility and the mode of impact. It was proposed as a hypothesis that the environmental signage and graphic design system has deficiencies that have a social impact on the lives of people with visual disabilities. The most functional for this research is a qualitative approach, a space and a certain group are analyzed, through observation, field research, visual analysis and experiences. Visual documentation and frequency lists and checklists were collected. The main findings were that the system does indeed have deficiencies that make it a limited and non-inclusive service, causing inaccessibility to transportation. Consequently, there is a restriction of social participation, difficulty of being able to satisfy daily needs and desires. To conclude, the system does impact on the mobility of these people, affects their personal development by not being able to meet daily needs and their social and inclusive development since, through mobility in spaces there is interaction, such as doing activities or meet, talk, be with another. In addition, it is proposed to create a solution with a universal design, which is not exclusive to people with physical disabilities, but is suitable for everyone.
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