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Girón, J., Gomez, A., Martinez, M., Miranda, J., Moreno, E. (2021). Foodly Perú [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Girón, J., Gomez, A., Martinez, M., Miranda, J., Moreno, E. Foodly Perú [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Foodly Perú",
author = "Moreno Eguzquiza, Erica Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Title: Foodly Perú
Authors(s): Girón Bazalar, Jorge Rodrigo; Gomez Eguizabal, Alberto Gino; Martinez Cuba, Maria Andrea; Miranda Bazan, Juan Carlos; Moreno Eguzquiza, Erica Maria
Advisor(s): Núñez Huertas, Jacqueline Lisset
Keywords: Comida saludable; Alimentación saludable; Recetas de comida; Delivery; Healthy food; Healthy nutrition; Recipes
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 23-Feb-2021
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El objetivo del presente plan de negocios es la creación de la empresa Foodly Perú, cuyo servicio consiste en ofrecer a sus clientes un paquete de insumos e ingredientes (crudos y frescos) vía delivery, con la adición de una guía para la fácil preparación de sus comidas, el tipo de comida seleccionado es saludable y el cliente podrá escoger la posibilidad de obtener raciones exactas para uno o más comensales. Esto representa un apoyo para las personas que no disponen de tiempo suficiente para realizar las compras de los insumos. Así mismo, para los clientes que están seguros respecto a la protección e higiene en la manipulación de los alimentos en los restaurantes, ya que desconocen el proceso de preparación. Foodly Perú nace para satisfacer estas necesidades, por lo que se considera una gran oportunidad de negocio.
Se empezará brindando el servicio a personas que residan o laboren en cuatro distritos pertenecientes a Lima Moderna del sector socioeconómico A/B con un rango de edades entre 25 a 35 años.
La publicidad que realizará la empresa estará basada principalmente en internet, no obstante, al principio se invertirá en un pequeño espacio publicitario para que un personaje público pueda realizar la promoción de la marca.
En relación con el análisis financiero realizado, se ha obtenido un costo de oportunidad del capital (COK) de 8.34% y un costo promedio ponderado de capital (WACC) de 10.28% Por ende, se puede concluir que, el desarrollo de la empresa Foodly Perú es viable económicamente.
The objective of this business plan is the creation of the Foodly Peru company, whose service consists of offering its customers a package of supplies and ingredients (raw and fresh) via delivery, with the addition of a guide for the easy preparation of their meals, the type of food selected is healthy and the customer will be able to choose the possibility of obtaining exact portions for one or more diners. This represents support for people who do not have enough time to purchase inputs. Likewise, for customers who are sure about the protection and hygiene in the handling of food in restaurants, since they do not know the preparation process. Foodly Peru was born to satisfy these needs, which is why it is considered a great business opportunity. It will begin by providing the service to people who reside or work in four districts belonging to Modern Lima of the socioeconomic sector A / B with an age range between 25 to 35 years. The advertising carried out by the company will be based mainly on the internet, however, at the beginning it will be invested in the small advertising space so that a public figure can carry out the promotion of the brand. In relation to the financial analysis carried out, an average opportunity cost of capital (COK) has been obtained of 8.34% and a weighted cost of capital (WACC) of 10.28% Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of the company Foodly Peru it is economically viable.
The objective of this business plan is the creation of the Foodly Peru company, whose service consists of offering its customers a package of supplies and ingredients (raw and fresh) via delivery, with the addition of a guide for the easy preparation of their meals, the type of food selected is healthy and the customer will be able to choose the possibility of obtaining exact portions for one or more diners. This represents support for people who do not have enough time to purchase inputs. Likewise, for customers who are sure about the protection and hygiene in the handling of food in restaurants, since they do not know the preparation process. Foodly Peru was born to satisfy these needs, which is why it is considered a great business opportunity. It will begin by providing the service to people who reside or work in four districts belonging to Modern Lima of the socioeconomic sector A / B with an age range between 25 to 35 years. The advertising carried out by the company will be based mainly on the internet, however, at the beginning it will be invested in the small advertising space so that a public figure can carry out the promotion of the brand. In relation to the financial analysis carried out, an average opportunity cost of capital (COK) has been obtained of 8.34% and a weighted cost of capital (WACC) of 10.28% Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of the company Foodly Peru it is economically viable.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas; Administración y Gerencia del Emprendimiento; Administración de Banca y Finanzas; Marketing
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas; Bachiller en Administración y Gerencia del Emprendimiento; Bachiller en Administración de Banca y Finanzas; Bachiller en Marketing
Register date: 13-Apr-2021
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